Justin Chu
Justin Chu
https://pypi.org/project/setuptools/ `pip install --upgrade setuptools`
Was it the same environment? I also assume the ONNX project is freshly cloned?
I would try using a Python virtual environment to ensure the environment is configured correctly.
Please share your environment setup: OS version, Python version, setuptools version, onnx commit etc.
Could you paste the difference too?
Looks like this is an error calling cmake itself?
@ODAncona could you share the full error message? The python stack does not show the cmake errors which should be on its above.
What is the onnx package version you are using?
I assume you are using the `onnx` package for version conversion. You may find its version with `pip show onnx`
Please make sure onnx is up to date. The latest version is 1.15.