parinfer-rust-mode copied to clipboard
parinfer doesn't work for clojurescript-mode
When .cljs
file is opened in clojurescript-mode
, parinfer doesn't work. I can see in modeline that it's activated, but none of the parentheses gets automatically inserted.
When I manually switch buffer to clojure-mode
, parinfer works properly.
My config:
(use-package parinfer-rust-mode :ensure t :defer t
:hook (lisp-mode common-lisp-mode clojure-mode clojurescript-mode)
(("C-," . parinfer-rust-switch-mode)
("C-c ," . parinfer-rust-switch-mode))
(setq parinfer-rust-auto-download t)
(parinfer-rust-dim-parrens t)
(parinfer-rust-preferred-mode "smart")
(parinfer-rust-check-before-enable 'immediate))
Example file subs.cljs
(ns iotodo.subs
[refx.alpha :as rf]))
(fn [db _]
(:name db)))
Modeline in clojurescript mode: (ClojureScript parinfer:smart WK)
Modeline in clojure mode: (ClojureScript parinfer:smart WK)