안준영 (Justin)
안준영 (Justin)
Good morning! At first, thanks for providing us with your splendid works and explanation on OFA. Now I'm trying to use the code template at this [website](https://huggingface.co/OFA-Sys/OFA-base), however, only to...
I tried ```python inference.py --config configs/inference.yaml --audio_path=audio/hama_8.wav --image_source=image/justin.jpeg --cross_id --if_extract --output_dir=./docs/demo/output --inversion_option=optimize``` for generating talking faces with driving audio. But the terminal raises the following error: ``` Cross-id testing Load...
Dear all, I wonder whether this module can be applied to evaluate video quality. Thanks, Junyeong Ahn
Hello, I'd like to ask one question about the role of align_img method in util/preprocess.py. Actually I want to remove that method from my code since landmarks argument it takes...
Fellas, as you can see in the image below, it seems the evaluation code(```sh calculate_scores_real_videos.sh PATH/TO/DATASET```) outputs 8 values(4 x 2), which is different from what I expected - 2...
In set_up_hparams.py, parser.add_argument("--train_steps", type=int, default=100000000) shows default train_steps is 100000000 and there is no input argument for this with your train_vqgan command line. And seemingly you apply cycle function to...
Hello, I am running your training code following the command: . But I face the following error: ``` 07/15/2024 21:08:12 - INFO - __main__ - Distributed environment: NO Num processes:...
Hello friends, first of all thanks for providing such a great project for the world. Reading your paper, one question came to my mind - there is a reconstruction loss...
Hello, my server has a CUDA version of 11.1 but I am struggling to use the latest bitsandbytes package since it support CUDA from 11.7 ~ 12.5, where mine is...