Justin Xu
Justin Xu
- [ ] #94 - [ ] Add predicates that are based on time aggregations (ie., mean, median, moving averages) for more constraints - [ ] Add support for polars...
- [x] Add index_timestamp: https://github.com/justin13601/ACES/pull/32 - [ ] Add _EVENT_INDEX (ie., the event index last included in the windows, as a Struct field): https://github.com/justin13601/ACES/pull/36/commits/3c1a355e13336fa55b76e6094c83a7c8bd1344ef
- [ ] Allow nested configuration files (ie., use a config to define a more complex predicate, which can be used in a subsequent config)
- [ ] Allow “@ time” predicates or qualifiers (ie., as of 11:59 p.m. on the day of discharge): as seen in [FEMR](https://github.com/som-shahlab/ehrshot-femr/blob/main/src/femr/labelers/benchmarks.py)
Types we should consider supporting (using the [MEDS v0.3 label schema](https://github.com/Medical-Event-Data-Standard/meds/blob/5f87c2fdcce7f8bab46af6f81ef7892fdee098c1/src/meds/schema.py#L48) nomenclature) - [x] `boolean_value` (we support this type, just not the name) - [ ] `integer_value` - [ ]...
- [ ] Allow chaining together of multiple configurations for a single population (e.g., extract on a config for male patients and extract on another config for female patients, and...
## Summary by CodeRabbit - **New Features** - Introduced new data aggregation functions for enhanced data processing. - Added configuration classes for managing predicates and temporal windows. - New utility...
Support similar things as in #90 but for ESGPT (currently only implemented for MEDS)