need to change the swagger-ui unzip \src\SwaggerWcf\www\swagger-ui.zip find index.html , change like this window.swaggerUi = new SwaggerUi({ url: url, validatorUrl: "", dom_id: "swagger-ui-container", ...... zip the folder
glad to hear that
Maybe there are some special properties in your model class. you can debug it by downloading the source code.
working on it
there is a sample project ./src/SwaggerWcf.Test.Service
I submitted a sample project, I hope this will help you. https://github.com/justin0522/swaggerwcf_issues_201
there is a sample project - SwaggerWcf.Test.Service in the source code
can't do that now by config. change the code, build the assembly by yourself.
@cacosta2018 do you add ServiceContract Attribute on both interfaces ? even implement class ?