ui-iconpicker copied to clipboard
Doesn't work with ui-bootstrap >= 0.11.0
This directive does not work with the latest version of bootstrap and angular http://plnkr.co/edit/dXPYohDJGdvNadjugff7?p=preview
Thank you for the bug report.
It is due to some breaking changes introduced in ui-bootstrap 0.11. Using ui-bootstrap 0.10.0 with angular 1.4.0-beta.2 works fine.
Since I planned to remove ui-bootstrap dependency on future releases, this issue won't be fixed.
So any updates here?
Hi @astanciu, indeed I'm working on an version 2 that supports AngularJS 1.4.x and Bootstrap 3. It also no longer depends on ui-bootstrap. It was really close to finish a couple of weeks ago, but I have been occupied on my day works. I hope I can release it within November.
So any updates here?
i had a similar issue, you need to modifiy the ui-iconpicker.js file and replace in line 156 (the templates/iconpicker.html):
- "dropdown>" to "uib-dropdown>"
- "dropdown-toggle>" to "uib-dropdown-toggle>"
i had a similar issue, you need to modifiy the ui-iconpicker.js file and replace in line 156 (the templates/iconpicker.html):
- "dropdown>" to "uib-dropdown>"
- "dropdown-toggle>" to "uib-dropdown-toggle>"
Try with
"$templateCache", function($templateCache) { return $templateCache.put("templates/iconpicker.html", "<span class=\"btn-group ui-iconpicker\" ng-class=\"{ disabled: disabled }\">\n "+ "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default dropdown-toggle\" data-toggle=\"dropdown\" aria-expanded=\"true\">"+ "<i class=\"{{ iconClass }}\"></i><span class=\"caret\"></span>\n "+ "</button>\n "+ "<ul class=\"dropdown-menu\" role=\"menu\">\n "+ "<li ng-repeat=\"class in availableIconClasses\">\n "+ "<button class=\"btn btn-default\" type=\"button\" ng-click=\"$parent.iconClass = class\"><span class=\"{{ class }}\"></span></button>\n "+ "</li>\n "+ "</ul>\n "+ "<input name=\"{{ name }}\" type=\"text\" value=\"{{ iconClass }}\" ng-if=\"name\" />\n"+ "</span>"); }