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Paging broken in which-key-show-keymap

Open jkroes opened this issue 5 years ago • 9 comments

"M-x", "which-key-show-keymap", select any keymap. "C-h n" displays:

f5 which-key-C-h-dispatch C-h which-key-C-h-dispatch [ paging/help]

When which-key pops up automatically after a key is pressed, paging works normally.

jkroes avatar Nov 15 '19 00:11 jkroes

I can't reproduce this. Can you give me all of your settings?

justbur avatar Nov 15 '19 15:11 justbur

Ok, I'll check to ensure that I have the most recent version, try running without my current customization, and then follow-up by posting my settings.

jkroes avatar Nov 15 '19 17:11 jkroes

Interesting. It does seem to be my customization file. If I do not load the file holding all packages' customization, the paging works as expected. Here is the file's contents:

 ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(aw-keys (quote (97 115 100 102 103 104 106 107 108)))
 '(comint-prompt-read-only t nil nil "Read-only prompt (\">\" in ess-R)")
 '(comint-scroll-show-maximum-output t)
 '(comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-input t)
 '(comint-use-prompt-regexp nil nil nil "nil enables evil motions")
    (company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend company-preview-if-just-one-frontend)) nil nil "Rm company-echo-metadata-frontend to speed up candidate navigation")
 '(company-global-modes (quote (ess-r-mode emacs-lisp-mode)))
 '(company-idle-delay 0)
 '(company-minimum-prefix-length 0.2 nil nil "Min # chars before completion")
 '(company-show-numbers t nil nil "Use M-1, etc., to select candidates")
 '(confirm-kill-processes nil)
 '(counsel-bookmark-avoid-dired t)
 '(counsel-mode t nil nil "Remap common commands to counsel commands")
 '(custom-enabled-themes (quote (dracula)))
    ("37f32706ffc6d7d021adf6b4d2a84eae7e0cfb7871cd39e21eaddc77c52bf4a7" "332fcf3c7208aca9fab65d54203f78a242482e7fd65f5725a2482c20b1730732" "35b0b0e531731e270708ddb342dc2e576a31fb298dcbc56a206596a43afac54f" "274fa62b00d732d093fc3f120aca1b31a6bb484492f31081c1814a858e25c72e" default)))
 '(delete-by-moving-to-trash t)
 '(eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p t nil nil "May not have an effect. Test on longer function signatures sometime.")
 '(electric-layout-mode t nil nil "Compare behavior with and without in ess-R. Without this, newlines within {} or () inserts two newlines between them, indents the first and moves cursor to it. Setting this seems to interfere with that behavior, which is controlled by ess-roxy-newline-and-indent. This is because ess-r-mode sets electric-layout-rules to insert a newline after {, but doesn't enable electric-layout-mode. Must be an oversight. If setting this globally, disable it in R to keep the desired behavior. ")
 '(electric-pair-mode t nil nil "Nice default behavior. Delete delimiter pair when deleting opening paren of empty pair (electric-pair-delete-adjacent-pairs). Skips over closing delim when you try to insert over an existing delim (electric-pair-skip-self). Inserts singles to preserve balance (electric-pair-preserve-balance). Insertion around active region, with point after whichever delim you typed--opening or closing. Example of cool defaults: In lisp comments, ` inserts `'.")
 '(electric-pair-pairs (quote ((34 . 34) (8216 . 8217) (8220 . 8221) (123 . 125))))
 '(ess-ask-for-ess-directory nil)
 '(ess-eldoc-abbreviation-style (quote mild))
 '(ess-eldoc-show-on-symbol t nil nil "Show function signature in echo area when inside function and on symbol. May not show until first argument has been completed.")
 '(ess-eval-visibly nil)
 '(ess-indent-with-fancy-comments nil nil nil "I suspect this is the reason comments were forced toward the right margin in R scripts")
 '(ess-style (quote RStudio))
 '(ess-use-company t)
 '(evil-default-state (quote emacs))
 '(evil-emacs-state-modes nil)
 '(evil-escape-delay 0.2)
 '(evil-escape-key-sequence "jk")
 '(evil-highlight-closing-paren-at-point-states (quote (not emacs insert replace)) nil nil "Highlight closing paren at point in normal, before point in listed modes")
 '(evil-insert-state-modes nil)
 '(evil-intercept-maps nil)
 '(evil-motion-state-modes nil nil nil "Read-only modes start in default mode (should be emacs)")
 '(evil-overriding-maps nil)
 '(evil-want-keybinding nil)
 '(global-company-mode t)
 '(global-display-line-numbers-mode t)
 '(global-page-break-lines-mode t nil (page-break-lines))
 '(hydra-hint-display-type (quote lv))
 '(hydra-is-helpful nil nil nil "see which-key-show-transient-maps")
 '(inhibit-startup-screen t)
 '(ivy-count-format "%d/%d " nil nil "display index #/total for ivy completion")
 '(ivy-extra-directories (quote ("../")))
 '(ivy-height 10)
 '(ivy-initial-inputs-alist nil)
 '(ivy-mode t nil nil "Enable ivy completion")
 '(ivy-use-virtual-buffers t)
 '(menu-bar-mode nil)
    (key-chord company projectile counsel hercules company-tabnine 0x0 flx evil-escape ranger pkg aggressive-indent ess-R-data-view ess which-key use-package quelpa page-break-lines hydra help-fns+ helm-descbinds general evil-tutor dracula-theme ffcounsel command-log-mode ace-window)))
 '(recentf-max-saved-items 100 nil nil "Affects number of candidates with ivy-use-virtual-buffers?")
 '(recentf-mode t)
 '(scroll-bar-mode nil)
 '(scroll-conservatively 1000000 nil nil "Seems to prevent auto-recentering of point when scrolling")
 '(show-paren-highlight-openparen nil)
 '(show-paren-mode t)
 '(show-paren-style (quote parenthesis))
 '(show-paren-when-point-in-periphery nil)
 '(show-paren-when-point-inside-paren t)
 '(tab-always-indent (quote complete))
 '(tool-bar-mode nil)
 '(use-package-verbose t)
 '(which-key-allow-evil-operators t)
 '(which-key-compute-remaps t nil nil "e.g. w/ counsel-mode: apropos-command -> counsel-apropos")
 '(which-key-idle-delay 0.2)
 '(which-key-max-description-length 100)
 '(which-key-mode t)
 '(which-key-popup-type (quote side-window))
 '(which-key-prefix-prefix "+")
 '(which-key-separator " ")
 '(which-key-show-docstrings t)
 '(which-key-show-operator-state-maps t)
 '(which-key-show-transient-maps t)
 '(which-key-side-window-location (quote bottom))
 '(which-key-side-window-max-height 0.1)
 '(which-key-sort-order (quote which-key-key-order-alpha))
 '(which-key-sort-uppercase-first nil)
 '(winner-mode t))
 ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.

jkroes avatar Nov 15 '19 17:11 jkroes

It appears to be which-key-show-transient-maps. When I set it to nil after loading my other settings, paging is restored.

jkroes avatar Nov 15 '19 17:11 jkroes

This transient keymap seems to be how which-key injects the paging key, which is <f5> by default.

Running into something similar: this transient map is also displayed for the top-level bindings (which-key-show-top-level) whether I customize the paging-key prefix list or not.

I think there are some bugs as to when the paging key is added, and transient maps set by which-key itself (or any transient map that still allows you to type other stuff) probably ought not cover up the rest of the bindings (maybe be merged into them?).

ScottFreeCode avatar Jan 14 '20 04:01 ScottFreeCode

@ScottFreeCode which-key-show-transient-maps is a mechanism for showing the key bindings in transient maps, which is distinct from the transient map used to do paging in the top level bindings. If you have a bug report, please open a new issue with more details.

justbur avatar Jan 19 '20 19:01 justbur

[Hit "comment" prematurely before, sorry for double notification.]

It's the same bug, it just also affects which-key-show-top-level.

which-key--show-page sets a transient map which-key--get-popup-map at https://github.com/justbur/emacs-which-key/blob/db3d003e903deb07394b4e572206f809578278c6/which-key.el#L2202-L2205 which is normally ignored by which-key--update because the prefix key condition is satisfied first, but in which-key-show-top-level and after paging in which-key-show-[full-]keymap the (> (length prefix-keys) 0) at https://github.com/justbur/emacs-which-key/blob/db3d003e903deb07394b4e572206f809578278c6/which-key.el#L2648 fails and so falls through to the transient map handling at https://github.com/justbur/emacs-which-key/blob/db3d003e903deb07394b4e572206f809578278c6/which-key.el#L2685-L2691

I tested this by commenting out the (> (length prefix-keys) 0) and that fixes the issue here in both cases, but also causes some odd maps to pop up that shouldn't.

ScottFreeCode avatar Jan 20 '20 16:01 ScottFreeCode

Tested and determined that saving the transient map from which-key--get-popup-map in an internal variable and adding a check for whether overriding-terminal-local-map equals that variable to which-key--update:


…fixes both cases without breaking transient maps created by things other than which-key (e.g. the isearch transient map).

ScottFreeCode avatar Jan 21 '20 07:01 ScottFreeCode

please open a pr if you've found a fix

justbur avatar Feb 04 '20 03:02 justbur