Justin Burkett
Justin Burkett
Just cloned spacemacs and I'm not seeing any slow down. Can you try to narrow it down more?
Thanks. If it’s an issue with how the replacement stuff is working it could very well depend on what major mode you’re in.
Ah ok. If it’s just counting function calls it makes sense that there are quite a few in which-key.
If you suspect `which-key--update` is the culprit you can lengthen `which-key-idle-delay` then toggle `which-key-mode` and see if that has any effect. If you have a short delay, that function will...
I don't use lsp and I'm afraid there's not enough information here for me to track down a problem. Performance issues with which-key are rare in my experience, but that...
I have no interest in debugging this problem within spacemacs. In order to make progress, I'm going to need some way of reproducing the issue from a simple configuration on...
@rgrinberg It's possible that that is a source of slow down. I have thought about speeding up that code in the past but it didn't seem to be an issue...
I'm not sure everyone is aware of the automatic string replacement option, described [here in the README](https://github.com/justbur/emacs-which-key#custom-string-replacement-options). Any time it's used it subverts the "generic" replacement mechanism and should be...
> I am suffering from this too (in spacemacs develop branch with evil-mode).. Is there a specific reason, why which-key has to compute the replacements on every invocation? could the...
No, unfortunately not. Control by itself does not count as an input event for emacs, and which-key pops up after a incomplete sequence of input events (incomplete key sequence).