freemix-glyphsapp copied to clipboard
Scripts to be used with the Glyphs font editor.
- [ ] Calculate and display the intra-curve coefficients. For shallow curves, this may be non-trivial. - [ ] Refine the definition of “close enough”. - [ ] How about...
``` Details: Traceback (most recent call last): File "GlyphsApp/GlyphsApp/", line 1099, in callback_ File "~/Library/Application Support/Glyphs/Repositories/Alignment Palette/AlignmentPalette/Alignment.glyphsPalette/Contents/Resources/", line 306, in update globalCenterX, globalCenterY = self.centerOfLayers( self.font.selectedLayers ) File "~/Library/Application Support/Glyphs/Repositories/Alignment...
Add a check whether the value to compare is NoneType or not
I get an error message: Traceback (most recent call last): File "Expand", line 34 if value < 77000: TypeError: '
``` Details: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 15, in controlTextDidEndEditing_ self.action_(notification.object()) File "", line 514, in action_ self.callback(sender) File "", line 90, in editTextCallback self.changeDotSuffix( editText.get(), i...
Not sure what exactly I did, but after a working session I found this traceback in the macro panel: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "Mask to", line...
Noticing an issue with anchor palette reshuffling the order of the anchors after restarting Glyphs. For example: I would reset the anchors which would order them `top` `bottom ` `ogonek`...
Lovely script, thanks a lot for it. In Glyphs 3, when unchecking "As Component" and inserting a smart glyph (with smart layers), it adds the corresponding sub-layers, but unfortunately alwaus...
Hello, I've been using the Anchor Palette plugin to shift anchors horizontally and also to check the vertical position. I find it very helpful and less prone to error than...
Hello, Anchors Palette crashes latest Glyphs 3 for me when swiching masters/files. This is the error I got upon reopening Glyphs: