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MMDVM HotSpot: firmware for ZUMspot or MMDVM_HS based boards (D-Star, DMR, YSF, P25, NXDN and POCSAG)
Hello, here is my solutions for upgrading the low cost white mmdvm dual hat pcb with failed to init device message: Both of them need litle solders! 1st solution with...
Hi, when will available new code for FW 1.6.1 ? Thanks.
I am trying to follow the RF7021 instructions but it's not matching up for the Teensy3.6. Can't seem to build a hex file that it will swallow. Can anyone offer...
When compiling this packet, i get the warning undefined CIO::M17_pin(bool on); this because CIO::M17_pin(bool on); are missing in IOArduino.cpp and the definitions needed as well. I did make a solution...
I have a dual hat device with USB (Aursinc Brand from Amazon). pistar-findmodem identifies it as `Modem Data: MMDVM_HS_Dual_Hat-v1.5.2 20201108 14.7456MHz dual ADF7021 FW by CA6JAU GitID #89daa2000480067340000084E533443` it is...
These additional configuration files allow for building functional firmware for using the **MMDVM_HS_Dual_Hat** hardware in **USB** mode.
I have a MMDVM_HS_DUAL with 12,880 MHz. With FW 1.5.2 all worked, if I compile the newest 1.6.0 MMDVMHost says NAK from modem. MMDVMCal also not working. Flashing backward to...
The issue documented in - Duplex problem when replying to over after leaving a pause for other stations - needs to be revisited. I own a duplex MMDVM and...
I've got a STM32-DVM running with a pair of GM338's and I'm trying to get a Mototrbo radio to connect to it. On connection I'm getting no reply from the...
I have a Nextion display connected to the modem. It is fully functional when using v1.5.2 firmware. When running v1.6.0 on an hs_dual_hat I have turned the Nextion display on...