surrogate-models copied to clipboard
In this repository I publish the python code, that was part of my master thesis. The thesis can be found here, however its in German though, sry. :/
Surrogate Models
In this repository I publish the python code, that was part of my master thesis. The thesis can be found here, however its in German though, sry. :/
implementations of surrogate models
The folder mylibs contains implementations of surrogate models. The following methods are used:
- polynomial
- radial basis function
- kriging
moreover some methods for generating sample points are implemented:
- structured sample
- halton
- latin hyper cube
The folder examples shows how the above libraries can be used both in 2D and 3D spaces.
The construction of a wing was the sample task I constructed for testing and comparing the surrogate methods. A wing-box was meant to be optimized for its weight, by varying its numbers of ribs and shell thickness. To make sure the structure is strong enough a FEM analysis is used (both Calculix and Abaqus APIs are implemented to do this).