opened this issue 3 years ago
I am trying to prepare a few examples on that use C++ 17 features. However, xeus-cling does not work for me when selecting the C++ 17 kernel on binder. Since everything works fine locally, I am not sure how to debug here.
Actually, this is not Binder-related. I observe the same behaviour locally for a freshly created Conda environment (but also only for the C++17 kernel). Here is my package list:
I encountered the same problem, though with some variations. Whether the kernel crashes
seems to depend not only on the conda environment but on the underlying OS/hardware???.
We have some computers in our computer lab where this happens, others not. All under
Linux Mint; can't recall from the top of my head whether it's the same version though.
I also get glibc incompatibilities issues.
I can try to dig and record more detailed information; all this happened in lab sessions, so
with little time to take notes :-)
In fact, this seems to be not limited to the C++ 17 kernel. I tried using notebooks I did years ago on Binder and none of the C++ kernels seems so start properly; I have then tried the Binder link provided here in the README here... and got exactly the same result.
It might be related to the underlying hardware as @nthiery pointed out, but in this case I was really unlucky because I had the issue both with GESIS and OVH.
For the record: I managed to get C++17 to work (but not C++11 or C++14) consistently
by forcing gcc=9.4.0. Presumably it was not OS related after all, but just some other
discrepancy in the student setup.
Looking forward the new release! Thanks @SylvainCorlay