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8.0 Release plans

Open jasongrout opened this issue 5 years ago • 42 comments

We are well on our way to an 8.0 release. The milestone is at https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets/milestone/30

I've tagged backwards-incompatible issues/PRs in the 8.0 milestone with a label. I consider those criticial blockers for 8.0. Other issues/PRs could come in an 8.1 if needed since they are not backwards incompatible. Please let us know if you think otherwise, or if you feel an issue/PR has been mislabeled.

~~Since JupyterLab 2.0 (shipping by Feb 2020) requires ipywidgets 8.0 (and not ipywidgets 7.x), I suggest we have a tentative release date of the first or second week of February.~~

Update: We have now released 8.0.0rc2 (5 Aug 2022), which we anticipate being the final RC release. Items still to do:

  • [x] Review PRs in the cookiecutter to help authors porting widgets to 8.0:
    • [x] https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/widget-cookiecutter/pull/103
    • [x] https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/widget-cookiecutter/pull/87
    • [x] Note in our migration guide these PRs to help widget authors incorporate their changes as they upgrade their packages
  • [x] Add release on GH
  • [ ] Add blog post

jasongrout avatar Jan 23 '20 19:01 jasongrout

FYI, JLab just released an RC, so it will probably be about a week until JLab 2.0.

jasongrout avatar Feb 04 '20 16:02 jasongrout

Let's try to do a call (this week) to evaluate the backwards incompatible changes that have already been merged, and whether any need to / should be reverted before 8.0. Given that 8.0 is now a requisite for lab 2.0, we might want to give it a double check, as my initial understanding would be that we would have longer to evaluate the consequences of those changes.

vidartf avatar Feb 04 '20 16:02 vidartf

How about Wednesday at 8am PT?

jasongrout avatar Feb 05 '20 01:02 jasongrout

I think some of the more controversial changes (like the rewrite of the data layer) has been postponed past 8.0 given the tight timeline we are on. My guess is that we won't have to revert anything, it's more a question of how much more to merge in.

jasongrout avatar Feb 05 '20 01:02 jasongrout

How about Wednesday at 8am PT?

I have a conflicting meeting at that time, and I'm not sure the reset of @jupyter-widgets/jupyter-widgets has noticed :)

vidartf avatar Feb 05 '20 10:02 vidartf

I think some of the more controversial changes (like the rewrite of the data layer) has been postponed past 8.0 given the tight timeline we are on.

I think you are right, at least on the Python/spec side of things (that matters the most w.r.t. stability).

vidartf avatar Feb 05 '20 11:02 vidartf

@jupyter-widgets/jupyter-widgets, @zerline, and anyone else interested in participating: I propose that we have a weekly meeting (30-45 minutes) to maintain momentum towards releasing 8.0 in the next month or so.

Anyone interested in joining, please mark times that work for you at http://whenisgood.net/9eftj5s

jasongrout avatar Mar 12 '20 07:03 jasongrout

CC @ibdafna @mbektasbbg - please see the message above about a weekly meeting

jasongrout avatar Mar 12 '20 07:03 jasongrout

I think some of the more controversial changes (like the rewrite of the data layer) has been postponed past 8.0 given the tight timeline we are on. My guess is that we won't have to revert anything, it's more a question of how much more to merge in.

For completeness - we released a new version of the jlab widget manager compatible with ipywidgets 7.5 and jupyterlab 2.0, so the time pressure is off for shipping ipywidgets 8.0 with jlab 2.0.

jasongrout avatar Mar 12 '20 07:03 jasongrout

Note that if we were to have it bi-weekly, we could have it in the same slot as the Voila call (alternating weeks).

vidartf avatar Mar 12 '20 12:03 vidartf

Since there are no times that work for the three people responding to the survey, let's try @vidartf's idea, and try it in the Voila meeting timeslot in the off-weeks from the voila meeting.

Looking at https://voila-dashboards.github.io/, that would mean the first meeting would be 9:30-10:30 PDT Monday, March 30, 2020.

Would that work better for @zerline or @jupyter-widgets/jupyter-widgets?

jasongrout avatar Mar 24 '20 00:03 jasongrout

Ok for me

zerline avatar Mar 25 '20 11:03 zerline

Note that the voila meet is specified in central EU timezone that switched to DST this weekend, but @jasongrout specified the call in PDT above, so I'm confused what time we are operating with here.

vidartf avatar Mar 30 '20 15:03 vidartf

I'm happy to leave the call anchored to a EU timezone. What time is the Voila call if we anchor to Europe? I can meet either now or in an hour, which I think is what the two possibilities are.

jasongrout avatar Mar 30 '20 15:03 jasongrout

We can use the Voila Weekly Whereby room for these calls: https://whereby.com/voila-weekly

Time is 17:30 CET: https://voila-dashboards.github.io

jtpio avatar Mar 30 '20 16:03 jtpio

@jupyter-widgets/jupyter-widgets and others that want to help with ipywidgets 8: @ianhi is setting up a meeting for us to restart planning for ipywidgets 8:

If you're interesting joining a ipywidgets meeting please fill out this whenisgood http://whenisgood.net/hbbqe7h

The broad goals of this meeting are to talk briefly about high level goals and to figure out the state of an 8.0 release.

See https://hackmd.io/V2rlXrDQRzKH3lyTgh0ZIw for full details.

jasongrout avatar Jan 14 '21 20:01 jasongrout

As @willingc requested: FYI, @willingc, @mseal, @captainsafia - we are arranging an ipywidgets 8.0 planning meeting soon. See the comment just above this for details.

jasongrout avatar Jan 15 '21 22:01 jasongrout

Hi all,

Following up on this. Unfortunately there was no single time that worked for everyone. So the time that was settled on (https://gitter.im/jupyter-widgets/Lobby?at=600ae1028816425540e2ac46) is: Tuesday, Feb 2nd, at 3 pm UTC (10 am EST)

@jasongrout how do links for things like this get generated? Zoom links? Generated by whoever?

ianhi avatar Jan 23 '21 06:01 ianhi

We can use the same Zoom as the JupyterLab weekly meetings: Zoom link

jasongrout avatar Jan 23 '21 06:01 jasongrout

@jasongrout @ianhi It would be great if we can record this meeting for those unable to attend. Thanks for organizing.

willingc avatar Jan 23 '21 14:01 willingc

Thanks all for organizing.

Here is a link to easily get the time and date of the meeting for your time zone: Tuesday, Feb 2nd, at 3 pm UTC

(also added to the hackmd)

jtpio avatar Jan 25 '21 15:01 jtpio

FYI, the meeting starts in about 10.5 hours (Local time)

Zoom Agenda

jasongrout avatar Feb 02 '21 04:02 jasongrout

Thanks everyone who participated in the meeting today. It was really great to see everyone.

I've added notes at a new team-compass repo: https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/team-compass/issues/1

jasongrout avatar Feb 03 '21 00:02 jasongrout

I've released ipywidgets 8.0.0a3, widgetsnbextension 4.0.0a1, jupyterlab_widgets 2.0.0a0. This works in JupyterLab 3.

jasongrout avatar Feb 11 '21 00:02 jasongrout

The current plan is a first beta release of 8.0 next week, with an RC phase starting around the beginning of December. If no major disruptions are encountered, the plan is then to do a final release of 8.0 in early/mid January.

vidartf avatar Nov 12 '21 10:11 vidartf

Due to some delays in the release schedules, the RC phase seems likely to not start until early January, with a subsequent shift of the final release to late January.

vidartf avatar Dec 20 '21 15:12 vidartf

I'm testing RPM packages in Fedora with IPython 8.0.0rc1, ipywidgets 8.0.0b1, and widgetsnbextension 4.0.0b1 and so far I've discovered only one minor test incompatibility in nbclient, reported: https://github.com/jupyter/nbclient/issues/191

frenzymadness avatar Jan 10 '22 08:01 frenzymadness

Commented on the nbclient issue: https://github.com/jupyter/nbclient/issues/191#issuecomment-1008651338

martinRenou avatar Jan 10 '22 08:01 martinRenou

Any news on final RC/release plans ? The target seems to have shifted somehow Thanks for your work !

ruomad avatar Feb 28 '22 09:02 ruomad

It was initially delayed by a last-minute request to resolve #3111. A suggested solve to that issue was merged in #3195. The final piece currently missing for the RC is the attempt to make that implementation be backwards compatible on the protocol level (i.e. avoid needing to bump the widget messaging protocol to a new major version) in #3394.

vidartf avatar Feb 28 '22 10:02 vidartf