jupyterlab-lsp copied to clipboard
I hope i can perform code completions like Rstudio
Elevator Pitch
as.you can see. when i use R kernel in jupyterlab. i get a completions like this. There's nothing wrong with that, but sometimes when we do this multiple times, I'd rather not see the previous object. For example, when I type rawdata@assays@ and press tab, I just want to see data, not rawdata@assays@ again.
Perhaps this is an unreasonable request, please apologize. But I really want to implement this feature.
Too much information will affect the speed at which I can acquire information.
Design Ideas
This is very reasonable, thank you for opening this isse!
Implementation-wise, this completion appears to be coming from the R kernel, not from LSP. We need to improve how kernels provide completions because right now we are essentially guessing which parts are prefixes and which parts to show.
Thanks for your reply.
BTW, I found something similar happened when I entered the path in quotes. This really affects our choices because we can only see part of the information.
It may not be within the purview of the lsp, but it's similar. Where should I go to ask this question?
This is an LSP extension issue. What version of the extension and jupyterlab do you use?
jupyterlab version is 4.0.6 installed from pip jupyterlab-lsp version is 5.0.0rc1 installed from pip
Thank you! I will look into it first thing after releasing 5.0 (which is in progress).