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TypeScript + React Boilerplate


Astraea TypeScript + React Boilerplate

[[][file:]] [[][file:]] [[][file:]]

** Note Recently [[][Redux]] support has been removed from this boilerplate. It can still be incorporated, but by default this boilerplate is focused more on React. There are many other options like [[][MobX]], [[][context]], and more.

** Table of Contents

  • [[#about][About]]
  • [[#prerequisites][Prerequisites]]
  • [[#getting-started][Getting Started]]
  • [[#project-structure][Project Structure]]
  • [[#tasks][Tasks]]
  • [[#project-resources][Project Resources]]

** About This is a boilerplate project for developing a mid to large scale client-side application(s) using [[][TypeScript]] and [[][React]]. For an example project, visit the [[][example branch]].

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** Prerequisites

  • [[][Node.js]] (8.x minimum required)
    • [[][npm CLI]] is usually included with Node.js
  • Editor with support for TypeScript, [[][TSLint]], and [[][EditorConfig]] (ex. [[][Visual Studio Code]])

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** Getting Started

  1. Clone/download this repository.
  2. Install dependencies using npm:
    • =npm install=
  3. Start running tasks as described below in the [[#tasks][tasks section]].

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** Project structure *** Overview #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE astraea/ ├─ .coverage/ # Code coverage reports ├─ .storybook/ # Storybook configuration ├─ dist/ # Result from build tasks │ ├─ assets/ # Result assets │ └─ story/ # Result storybook build ├─ jest/ # Code that runs before tests are run ├─ src/ # Source code │ ├─ app/ # Application domain │ │ └─ components/root/ # Top level application view │ ├─ assets/ # Static files and entry points to include in builds │ │ └─ app.tsx # An application entry point │ └─ common/ # Shared code used throughout project │ ├─ components/container/ # Application wrapper component │ └─ declarations/ # TypeScript declarations ├─ package.json # Configuration, tasks, and dependencies ├─ package-lock.json # Dependency pinning ├─ tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration ├─ tslint.json # TypeScript linting rules └─ webpack.config.ts # Webpack build configuration #+END_EXAMPLE *** Entry Points When TypeScript code is built, any files directly inside the =src/assets/= directory are used to create the output files. The boilerplate currently generates =app.js=, as there is a single entry point inside =src/assets/=. (=src/assets/index.js=) If there are more than one entry points more files generated as well as an additional file =common.js=, which contains shared code across all entry points. =common.js= must be loaded before you load an entry point. You can see what gets generated by running the =build:dev= / =build:prod= task. (see the [[#tasks][tasks section]]) *** Domains #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE domain/ ├─ components/ │ ├─ component1/ # See Component sections below │ ├─ component2/ │ └─ componentX/ └─ ... # Other domain items (Redux, MobX, context, etc.) #+END_EXAMPLE Rather than group items by things like components/reducers/actions/etc., items are grouped by domain which can be a saner option as the project grows. Examples of domains can be things like resources (ex. =blog/=, =users/=) or other things. (ex. =ui/=) Domains may include things like components, actions, reducer, etc. but they don't have to include all of them. In fact, you can think of =app/= and =common/= as domains. Other files may be present as well. *** Components #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE component/ ├─ index.ts └─ template.tsx #+END_EXAMPLE React components are grouped in a directory.

  • =template.tsx= defines the React component without any knowledge of outside logic (ex: Redux) specifics or other things like React DnD. (sometimes referred as /dumb/ component)
  • =index.ts= is the entry point of the component when used by others.
    • If template does not require data/action bindings then it can just pass through the template. (see =src/app/components/root/index.ts=)
    • If template requires data/action bindings then it is done here. (sometimes refereed as /smart/ component) *** Other Files **** =.test.ts=, =.test.tsx= Tests for components/domains/logic/etc. If code needs to be run before tests are executed see =setup-tests.ts= Some guides on tests include:
  • [[][Jest]]
  • [[][Enzyme]]
  • [[][React]] **** =.stories.tsx=, =.story.tsx= Defines a story to display in React Storybook. Typically this file is in a component. (ex. =index.stories.tsx=) [[][This guide]] provides information on how to write stories. **** =snapshots= Generated files/directories when using Jest's [[][snapshot feature]]. These files should be left to Jest and not touched manually.

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** Tasks Tasks can be executed in the following manner: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE npm run [command] # npm #+END_EXAMPLE Examples: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE npm run server #+END_EXAMPLE *** =start= Alias for =build:prod=. *** =server= Alias for =server:hot=. *** =server:hot= Start a local development server with hot reloading. To override the port change the environment variable =PORT=. The following is provided:

  • [[][Hot reloading]] (including [[][React Hot Loader]]) *** =server:story= Start a local server for React Storybook on port 9001. For more information visit the [[][documentation for React Storybook]]. *** =build:dev= / =build:prod= Build application and include assets into a packaged build in the =dist/assets/= directory. The build for =build:dev= is not minifed and includes source maps, making it ideal for development. The build for =build:prod= is minified (with dead code elimination) and does not include source maps, making it ideal for production. *** =build:story= Generate a static build of React Storybook in the =dist/story/= disrectory. *** =test= / =test:watch= / =coverage= / =coverage:watch= Execute tests once or continuously on file changes. In addition, code coverage can be determined. For more information visit the [[][documentation for Jest]]. *** =lint= / =lint:fix= Check codebase against linting rules. Optionally, some errors can be fixed automatically.

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** Project Resources

  • Language
    • [[][TypeScript]]
    • [[][TSLint]]
      • [[][TSLint React]]
  • Libraries
    • [[][React]]
    • [[][Styled Components]]
    • [[][normalize.css]]
  • Testing
    • [[][Jest]]
    • [[][Enzyme]]
  • Development Tools
    • [[][Storybook]]
  • Build Tools
    • [[][Webpack]]

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