pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix copied to clipboard
After starting training the model,it doesn't work and only see "learning rate 0.0002000 -> 0.0002000"
I try to start training the model but it doesn't work and stay in the same position for a long time,may you tell me the reason? My GPU is RTX5000 16G batchsize 1
You have a UserWarning, check it! There is a little mistake in the code, you need to fork it and put lr_scheduler.step() AFTER optimizer.step()
can you please provide a description on where and how to put lr_scheduler.step() AFTER optimizer.step()?
many thanks
@simon-eda hey, did you find out what has to be changed to make it work? Please let me know :) Thank you!
@simon-eda hey, did you find out what has to be changed to make it work? Please let me know :) Thank you!
i switched to anaconda enviroment and the issues does not come up anymore
This issue persists for me, even with anaconda environment. How about you @ApoorvaSuresh ?
@simon-eda, would you be so kind to provide details about your environment and which package versions you used?
We did provide an environment.yml, which should work.