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Software that can generate photos from paintings, turn horses into zebras, perform style transfer, and more.

Results 57 CycleGAN issues
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i use cycleGAN with unpaired images do you think G_los =0.204 , G_Y_loss =0.201 , F_loss=0.8102 and D_X_loss=3.28e-05 is good or not and how i know if my model is...

I recently tried to run he horse2zebra training as instructions in readme by 'DATA_ROOT=./datasets/horse2zebra name=horse2zebra_model th train.lua' --master brunch-- but got an tricky error as following: ``` ---------- # Learnable...

I have a question, can this network do the task of image restoration? such as, unsupervised SR, unsupervised inverse halftone. Or does it only handle the task of style transformation...

Thank you for your marvelous work. I have read the information from: "... Implementation Code is mainly borrowed from junyanz/pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix" Could you provide the tutorial and source codes...

Hello, I was trying to find CycleGAN implementation in TensorFlow2 and I found an implementation written by Zhenliang He. Recently, I found an official implementation of CycleGAN here and I...

Hi~ When I apply a pre-trained model using `DATA_ROOT=./datasets/ae_photos name=style_cezanne_pretrained model=one_direction_test phase=test loadSize=256 fineSize=256 resize_or_crop="scale_width" th test.lua`, I got the problem: `cublas runtime error : library not initialized at /home/myuser/torch/extra/cutorch/lib/THC/THCGeneral.c:405`....

why can't I install pytorch1.7.0 directly?compile torch in _ is too complex!

Hi, I am doing test with CPU and provide option as gpu=0. I am testing with CPU (No gpu) and so added option gpu=0. but when i start test it...

Hi, I have installed all prerequisite and running test: DATA_ROOT=./datasets/ae_photos name=style_cezanne_cpu_pretrained model=one_direction_test phase=test gpu=0 loadSize=256 fineSize=256 resize_or_crop="scale_width" th test.lua Below is error for libjpeg pkg not installed. But when trying...

Hi We trained our networks on 256x256 images. During test we (accidentally) applied the generator on 128x128 images. The result for 128x128 images were drastically degraded in comparison to 256x256....