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RA: A Relational Algebra Interpreter

  • for more info, visit http://www.cs.duke.edu/~junyang/ra/

  • standard usage:

    • the most convenient way to us ra is to first prepare a connection properties file. see res/ra/ra.properties for an example. if you want to make it default, edit res/ra/ra.properties and rebuild the jar file, or just edit ra/ra.properties inside the jar.
    • then, to run ra: java -ea -jar ra.jar # this will use the default properties in the jar java -ea -jar ra.jar -P # this will prompt for a password java -ea -jar ra.jar PROP_FILE # this will use the supplied properties file java -ea -jar ra.jar PROP_FILE -vP
    • if you don't want to prepare a connection properties file, you can specify all connection information as options (-l URL -u USER -p PASSWD); for details type: java -jar ra.jar -h
  • external dependencies:

    • you need ant, a java build tool. the build script is build.xml.
  • lib/ directory contains the necessary jar libraries, including antlr (for parsing), jline2 (for command-line editing), jargs (for parsing arguments), and various jdbc drivers. to make sure that a jdbc driver is loaded, add a Class.forName call to src/ra/DB.java.

  • src/ directory holds the source files.

    • ra/RA.java is the main driver.
    • ra/DB.java contains code that interfaces with the database.
    • ra/ra.g specifies the relational algebra grammer.
    • ra/RAXNode.java defines nodes for representating relational algebra expression trees. it also implements the translation of these expression trees into sql, using structural recursion on the trees and one sql view definition per node.
    • ra/TeePrintStream.java is just a simple utility class that allows output to be tee'd into a file.
  • sample.* are an example of working with a sqlite database.

    • sample.properties is the connection properties file.
    • sample.db is the database file (can be built by "ant sample.db").
    • sample.ra contains the commands for constructing/reconstructing the above database. the database file was constructed initially by running "ant sample.db", or: java -ea -jar ra.jar sample.properties -i sample.ra