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[IJCAI 2023 survey track]A curated list of resources for chemical pre-trained models
Pre-training Graph Neural Networks for Molecular Representations: Retrospect and Prospect (Ai4Science Workshop, ICML 2022)
This is a repository to help all readers who are interested in pre-training on graphs. If you find there are other resources with this topic missing, feel free to let us know via github issues, pull requests or my email: [email protected]. We will update this repository and paper on a regular basis to maintain up-to-date.
Last update date: 2022-08-10
Papers List
- Pretraining Strategies
- Knowledge-Enriched Pretraining Strategies
- Hard Negative Mining Strategies
- Tuning Strategies
- Applications
- Others
- Open-Sourced Pretrained Graph Models
- Pretraining Datasets
- Citation
- Acknowledgement
Papers List
Pretraining Strategies
- [ECCV 2022] Generative Subgraph Contrast for Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning[Paper]
- [ArXiv] Analyzing Data-Centric Properties for Contrastive Learning on Graphs[Paper]
- [ArXiv] Generative Subgraph Contrast for Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning[Paper]
- [Bioinformatics]Multidrug Representation Learning Based on Pretraining Model and Molecular Graph for Drug Interaction and Combination Prediction[Paper]
- [BioArXiv]PanGu Drug Model: Learn a Molecule Like a Human[paper]
- [ChemRxiv]Uni-Mol: A Universal 3D Molecular Representation Learning Framework[paper]
- [ICML 2022]ProGCL: Rethinking Hard Negative Mining in Graph Contrastive Learning[paper][code]
- [ICML 2022]Let Invariant Rationale Discovery Inspire Graph Contrastive Learning[paper]
- [Ai4Science@ICML 2022]Pre-training Graph Neural Networks for Molecular Representations: Retrospect and Prospect[paper]
- [TNNLS 2022]CLEAR: Cluster-Enhanced Contrast for Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning[paper]
- [Information Science]A new self-supervised task on graphs: Geodesic distance prediction[paper]
- [ArXiv 2022]Hard Negative Sampling Strategies for Contrastive Representation Learning[paper]
- [ArXiv 2022]Rethinking and Scaling Up Graph Contrastive Learning: An Extremely Efficient Approach with Group Discrimination[paper]
- [ArXiv 2022]KPGT: Knowledge-Guided Pre-training of Graph Transformer for Molecular Property Prediction[paper]
- [ArXiv 2022]COSTA: Covariance-Preserving Feature Augmentation for Graph Contrastive Learning[paper]
- [ArXiv 2022]Evaluating Self-Supervised Learning for Molecular Graph Embeddings[paper]
- [ArXiv 2022]I'm Me, We're Us, and I'm Us: Tri-directional Contrastive Learning on Hypergraphs[paper]
- [ArXiv 2022]Triangular Contrastive Learning on Molecular Graphs[paper]
- [ArXiv 2022]ImGCL: Revisiting Graph Contrastive Learning on Imbalanced Node Classification[paper]
- [KDD 2022]GraphMAE: Self-Supervised Masked Graph Autoencoders[paper]
- [ArXiv 2022]MaskGAE: Masked Graph Modeling Meets Graph Autoencoders[paper]
- [TNSE 2022]Deep Multi-Attributed-View Graph Representation Learning[paper]
- [TSIPN 2022]Fair Contrastive Learning on Graphs[paper]
- [Easychair]Cross-Perspective Graph Contrastive Learning[paper]
- [WWW 2022 Workshop] A Content-First Benchmark for Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning [paper]
- [Arxiv 2022] SCGC: Self-Supervised Contrastive Graph Clustering [paper]
- [ICASSP 2022] Graph Fine-Grained Contrastive Representation Learning [paper]
- [TCYB 2022] Multiview Deep Graph Infomax to Achieve Unsupervised Graph Embedding [paper]
- [Arxiv 2022] Augmentation-Free Graph Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [Arxiv 2022] A Simple Yet Effective Pretraining Strategy for Graph Few-shot Learning [paper]
- [Arxiv 2022] Unsupervised Heterophilous Network Embedding via r-Ego Network Discrimination [paper]
- [CVPR 2022] Node Representation Learning in Graph via Node-to-Neighbourhood Mutual Information Maximization[paper]
- [Arxiv 2022] GraphCoCo: Graph Complementary Contrastive Learning[paper]
- [AAAI 2022] Simple Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning[paper]
- [SDM 2022] Neural Graph Matching for Pre-training Graph Neural Networks[paper]
- [Nature Machine Intelligence 2022] Molecular contrastive learning of representations via graph neural networks [paper]
- [WWW 2022] SimGRACE: A Simple Framework for Graph Contrastive Learning without Data Augmentation [paper] [code]
- [WWW 2022] Rumor Detection on Social Media with Graph Adversarial Contrastive Learning[paper]
- [WWW 2022] Robust Self-Supervised Structural Graph Neural Network for Social Network Prediction[paper]
- [WWW 2022] Dual Space Graph Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [WWW 2022] Adversarial Graph Contrastive Learning with Information Regularization [paper]
- [WWW 2022] The Role of Augmentations in Graph Contrastive Learning: Current Methodological Flaws & Improved Practices [paper]
- [WWW 2022] ClusterSCL: Cluster-Aware Supervised Contrastive Learning on Graphs [paper]
- [WWW 2022] Graph Communal Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [TKDE 2022] CCGL: Contrastive Cascade Graph Learning [paper][code]
- [BIBM 2021] Molecular Graph Contrastive Learning with Parameterized Explainable Augmentations [paper]
- [WSDM 2022]Bringing Your Own View: Graph Contrastive Learning without Prefabricated Data Augmentations [paper] [code]
- [SDM 2022] Structure-Enhanced Heterogeneous Graph Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [AAAI 2022] GeomGCL: Geometric Graph Contrastive Learning for Molecular Property Prediction [paper]
- [AAAI 2022] Self-supervised Graph Neural Networks via Diverse and Interactive Message Passing [paper]
- [AAAI 2022] Augmentation-Free Self-Supervised Learning on Graphs [paper][code]
- [AAAI 2022] Deep Graph Clustering via Dual Correlation Reduction [paper][code]
- [ICOIN 2022] Adaptive Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning [paper]
- [arXiv 2022] Graph Masked Autoencoder [paper]
- [arXiv 2022] Structural and Semantic Contrastive Learning for Self-supervised Node Representation Learning [paper]
- [arXiv 2022] Graph Self-supervised Learning with Accurate Discrepancy Learning [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Multilayer Graph Contrastive Clustering Network [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Graph Representation Learning via Contrasting Cluster Assignments [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Graph-wise Common Latent Factor Extraction for Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Bayesian Graph Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [NeurIPS 2021 Workshop] Self-Supervised GNN that Jointly Learns to Augment [paper]
- [NeurIPS 2021] Enhancing Hyperbolic Graph Embeddings via Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [NeurIPS 2021] Transfer Learning of Graph Neural Networks with Ego-graph Information Maximization [paper]
- [NeurIPS 2021] Motif-based Graph Self-Supervised Learning for Molecular Property Prediction [paper]
- [NeurIPS 2021] Graph Adversarial Self-Supervised Learning [paper]
- [NeurIPS 2021] Contrastive laplacian eigenmaps [paper]
- [NeurIPS 2021] Directed Graph Contrastive Learning [paper][code]
- [NeurIPS 2021] Multi-view Contrastive Graph Clustering [paper][code]
- [NeurIPS 2021] From Canonical Correlation Analysis to Self-supervised Graph Neural Networks [paper][code]
- [NeurIPS 2021] InfoGCL: Information-Aware Graph Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [NeurIPS 2021] Adversarial Graph Augmentation to Improve Graph Contrastive Learning [paper][code]
- [NeurIPS 2021] Disentangled Contrastive Learning on Graphs [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Subgraph Contrastive Link Representation Learning [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Augmentations in Graph Contrastive Learning: Current Methodological Flaws & Towards Better Practices [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Collaborative Graph Contrastive Learning: Data Augmentation Composition May Not be Necessary for Graph Representation Learning [paper]
- [CIKM 2021] Contrastive Pre-Training of GNNs on Heterogeneous Graphs [paper]
- [CIKM 2021] Self-supervised Representation Learning on Dynamic Graphs [paper]
- [CIKM 2021] SGCL: Contrastive Representation Learning for Signed Graphs [paper]
- [CIKM 2021] Semi-Supervised and Self-Supervised Classification with Multi-View Graph Neural Networks [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Graph Communal Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Self-supervised Contrastive Attributed Graph Clustering [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Adaptive Multi-layer Contrastive Graph Neural Networks [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Graph-MVP: Multi-View Prototypical Contrastive Learning for Multiplex Graphs [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Spatio-Temporal Graph Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [IJCAI 2021] Multi-Scale Contrastive Siamese Networks for Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning [paper]
- [IJCAI 2021] Pairwise Half-graph Discrimination: A Simple Graph-level Self-supervised Strategy for Pre-training Graph Neural Networks [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] RRLFSOR: An Efficient Self-Supervised Learning Strategy of Graph Convolutional Networks [paper]
- [ICML 2021] Graph Contrastive Learning Automated [paper] [code]
- [ICML 2021] Self-supervised Graph-level Representation Learning with Local and Global Structure [paper] [code] 74.[arXiv 2021] Group Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning on Graphs [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Multi-Level Graph Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [KDD 2021] Pre-training on Large-Scale Heterogeneous Graph [paper]
- [KDD 2021] Self-supervised Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network with Co-contrastive Learning [paper] [code]
- [arXiv 2021] Prototypical Graph Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Graph Barlow Twins: A self-supervised representation learning framework for graphs [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Self-Supervised Graph Learning with Proximity-based Views and Channel Contrast [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] FedGL: Federated Graph Learning Framework with Global Self-Supervision [paper]
- [IJCNN 2021] Node Embedding using Mutual Information and Self-Supervision based Bi-level Aggregation [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Graph Representation Learning by Ensemble Aggregating Subgraphs via Mutual Information Maximization [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Self-supervised Auxiliary Learning for Graph Neural Networks via Meta-Learning [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Towards Robust Graph Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Pre-Training on Dynamic Graph Neural Networks [paper]
- [WWW 2021] Graph Contrastive Learning with Adaptive Augmentation [paper] [code]
- [Arxiv 2020] Distance-wise Graph Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [Openreview 2020] Motif-Driven Contrastive Learning of Graph Representations [paper]
- [Openreview 2020] SLAPS: Self-Supervision Improves Structure Learning for Graph Neural Networks [paper]
- [Openreview 2020] TopoTER: Unsupervised Learning of Topology Transformation Equivariant Representations [paper]
- [Openreview 2020] Graph-Based Neural Network Models with Multiple Self-Supervised Auxiliary Tasks [paper]
- [NeurIPS 2020] Self-Supervised Graph Transformer on Large-Scale Molecular Data [paper]
- [NeurIPS 2020] Self-supervised Auxiliary Learning with Meta-paths for Heterogeneous Graphs [paper] [code]
- [NeurIPS 2020] Graph Contrastive Learning with Augmentations [paper] [code]
- [Arxiv 2020] Deep Graph Contrastive Representation Learning [paper]
- [ICML 2020] When Does Self-Supervision Help Graph Convolutional Networks? [paper] [code]
- [ICML 2020] Contrastive Multi-View Representation Learning on Graphs. [paper] [code]
- [ICML 2020 Workshop] Self-supervised edge features for improved Graph Neural Network training. [paper]
- [Arxiv 2020] Self-supervised Training of Graph Convolutional Networks. [paper]
- [Arxiv 2020] Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning via Global Context Prediction. [paper]
- [KDD 2020] GPT-GNN: Generative Pre-Training of Graph Neural Networks. [pdf] [code]
- [KDD 2020] GCC: Graph Contrastive Coding for Graph Neural Network Pre-Training. [pdf] [code]
- [Arxiv 2020] Graph-Bert: Only Attention is Needed for Learning Graph Representations. [paper] [code]
- [ICLR 2020] InfoGraph: Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Graph-Level Representation Learning via Mutual Information Maximization. [paper] [code]
- [ICLR 2020] Strategies for Pre-training Graph Neural Networks. [paper] [code]
- [KDD 2019 Workshop] SGR: Self-Supervised Spectral Graph Representation Learning. [paper]
- [ICLR 2019 workshop] Pre-Training Graph Neural Networks for Generic Structural Feature Extraction. [paper]
- [Arxiv 2019] Heterogeneous Deep Graph Infomax [paper] [code]
- [ICLR 2019] Deep Graph Informax. [paper] [code]
Knowledge-Enriched Pretraining Strategies
- [Arxiv 2022] KnowAugNet: Multi-Source Medical Knowledge Augmented Medication Prediction Network with Multi-Level Graph Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [Nature Machine Itelligence 2022] Geometry-enhanced molecular representation learning for property prediction[paper]
- [AAAI 2022] Molecular Contrastive Learning with Chemical Element Knowledge Graph [paper]
- [KDD 2021] MoCL: Data-driven Molecular Fingerprint via Knowledge-aware Contrastive Learning from Molecular Graph [paper] [code]
- [arXiv 2021] 3D Infomax improves GNNs for Molecular Property Prediction [paper] [code]
- [ICLR 2022] Chemical-Reaction-Aware Molecule Representation Learning [paper][code]
Hard Negative Mining Strategies
- [ICML 2022]ProGCL: Rethinking Hard Negative Mining in Graph Contrastive Learning[paper][code(coming soon)]
- [SDM 2022] Structure-Enhanced Heterogeneous Graph Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [Signal Processing 2021] Negative Sampling Strategies for Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning of Graph Representations [paper]
- [IJCAI 2021] Graph Debiased Contrastive Learning with Joint Representation Clustering [paper]
- [IJCAI 2021] CuCo: Graph Representation with Curriculum Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Debiased Graph Contrastive Learning [paper]
Tuning Strategies
- [KDD 2021] Adaptive Transfer Learning on Graph Neural Networks [paper]
- [BioRxiv 2022] Towards Effective and Generalizable Fine-tuning for Pre-trained Molecular Graph Models[paper]
- [AAAI 2022] CODE: Contrastive Pre-training with Adversarial Fine-tuning for Zero-shot Expert Linking [paper] [code] 5 [Arxiv 2022]Fine-Tuning Graph Neural Networks via Graph Topology induced Optimal Transport [paper]
- [The Journal of Chemical Physics] Transfer Learning using Attentions across Atomic Systems with Graph Neural Networks (TAAG) [paper]
- [SIGIR 2022] Are Graph Augmentations Necessary? Simple Graph Contrastive Learning for Recommendation[paper]
- [Arxiv 22] Protein Representation Learning by Geometric Structure Pretraining [paper]
- [Nature Communications 2021] Masked graph modeling for molecule generation [paper]
- [NPL 2022] How Does Bayesian Noisy Self-Supervision Defend Graph Convolutional Networks? [paper]
- [arXiv 2022] Self-supervised Graphs for Audio Representation Learning with Limited Labeled Data [paper]
- [arXiv 2022] Link Prediction with Contextualized Self-Supervision [paper]
- [arXiv 2022] Learning Robust Representation through Graph Adversarial Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [WWW 2021] Multi-view Graph Contrastive Representation Learning for Drug-drug Interaction Prediction [paper]
- [BIBM 2021] SGAT: a Self-supervised Graph Attention Network for Biomedical Relation Extraction [paper]
- [ICBD 2021] Session-based Recommendation via Contrastive Learning on Heterogeneous Graph [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Graph Augmentation-Free Contrastive Learning for Recommendation [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] TCGL: Temporal Contrastive Graph for Self-supervised Video Representation Learning [paper]
- [NeurIPS 2021 Workshop] Contrastive Embedding of Structured Space for Bayesian Optimisation [paper]
- [ICCSNT 2021] Graph Data Augmentation based on Adaptive Graph Convolution for Skeleton-based Action Recognition [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Pre-training Graph Neural Network for Cross Domain Recommendation [paper]
- [CIKM 2021] Social Recommendation with Self-Supervised Metagraph Informax Network [paper] [code]
- [arXiv 2021] Self-Supervised Learning for Molecular Property Prediction [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Contrastive Graph Convolutional Networks for Hardware Trojan Detection in Third Party IP Cores [paper]
- [KBS 2021] Multi-aspect self-supervised learning for heterogeneous information network [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Hyper Meta-Path Contrastive Learning for Multi-Behavior Recommendation [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Generative and Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning for Graph Anomaly Detection [paper]
- [IJCAI 2021] CSGNN: Contrastive Self-Supervised Graph Neural Network for Molecular Interaction Prediction [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] GCCAD: Graph Contrastive Coding for Anomaly Detection [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Contrastive Self-supervised Sequential Recommendation with Robust Augmentation [paper]
- [KDD 2021] Contrastive Multi-View Multiplex Network Embedding with Applications to Robust Network Alignment [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Hop-Count Based Self-Supervised Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Representation Learning for Networks in Biology and Medicine: Advancements, Challenges, and Opportunities [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Drug Target Prediction Using Graph Representation Learning via Substructures Contrast [paper]
- [Arxiv 2021] Self-Supervised Multi-Channel Hypergraph Convolutional Network for Social Recommendation [paper] [code]
- [ICLR 2021] How to Find Your Friendly Neighborhood: Graph Attention Design with Self-Supervision [paper] [code]
- [WSDM 2021] Pre-Training Graph Neural Networks for Cold-Start Users and Items Representation [paper] [code]
- [ICML 2020] Graph-based, Self-Supervised Program Repair from Diagnostic Feedback. [paper]
- [arXiv 2022] A Survey of Pretraining on Graphs: Taxonomy, Methods, and Applications [paper]
- [NeurIPS 2021 datasets and benchmark track] An Empirical Study of Graph Contrastive Learning [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Evaluating Modules in Graph Contrastive Learning [paper] [code]
- [arXiv 2021] Graph Self-Supervised Learning: A Survey [paper]
- [arXiv 2021] Self-Supervised Learning of Graph Neural Networks: A Unified Review [paper]
- [Arxiv 2020] Self-supervised Learning on Graphs: Deep Insights and New Direction. [paper] [code]
- [ICLR 2019 Workshop] Can Graph Neural Networks Go "Online"? An Analysis of Pretraining and Inference. [paper]
Open-Sourced Pretrained Graph Models
PGMs | Architecture | Pretraining Database | # Params. | Download Link |
Hu et al. | 5-layer GIN | ZINC15 (2M) + ChEMBL (456K) | ~ 2M | Link |
Graph-BERT | Graph Transformer | Cora + CiteSeer + PubMed | N/A | Link |
GraphCL | 5-layer GIN | ZINC15 (2M) + ChEMBL (456K) | ~ 2M | Link |
GPT-GNN | HGT | OAG + Amazon | N/A | Link |
GCC | 5-layer GIN | Academia + DBLP + IMDB + Facebook + LiveJournal | <1M | Link |
JOAO | 5-layer GIN | ZINC15 (2M) + ChEMBL (456K) | ~ 2M | Link |
AD-GCL | 5-layer GIN | ZINC15 (2M) + ChEMBL (456K) | ~ 2M | N/A |
GraphLog | 5-layer GIN | ZINC15 (2M) + ChEMBL (456K) | ~ 2M | Link |
GROVER | GTransformer | ZINC + ChEMBL (10M) | 48M ~ 100M | Link |
MGSSL | 5-layer GIN | ZINC15 (250K) | ~ 2M | Link |
CPT-HG | HGT | DBLP + YELP + Aminer | N/A | N/A |
MPG | MolGNet | ZINC + ChEMBL (11M) | 53M | N/A |
LP-Info | 5-layer GIN | ZINC15 (2M) + ChEMBL (456K) | ~ 2M | Link |
SimGRACE | 5-layer GIN | ZINC15 (2M) + ChEMBL (456K) | ~ 2M | Link |
MolCLR | GCN + GIN | PubChem (10M) | N/A | Link |
DMP | DeeperGCN + Transformer | PubChem (110M) | 104.1 M | N/A |
ChemRL-GEM | GeoGNN | ZINC15 (20M) | N/A | Link |
KCL | GCN + KMPNN | ZINC15 (250K) | < 1M | N/A |
3D Infomax | PNA | QM9(50K) + GEOM-drugs(140K) + QMugs(620K) | N/A | Link |
GraphMVP | GIN + SchNet | GEOM (50k) | ~ 2M | Link |
Pretraing Datasets
Name | Category | Download Link |
ZINC | Molecular Graph | Link |
CheMBL | Molecular Graph | Link |
PubChem | Molecular Graph | Link |
QM9 | Molecular Graph | Link |
QMugs | Molecular Graph | Link |
GEOM | Molecular Graph | Link |
Citation (.bib)
title={Pre-training Graph Neural Networks for Molecular Representations: Retrospect and Prospect},
author={Jun Xia and Yanqiao Zhu and Yuanqi Du and Stan Z. Li},
booktitle={ICML 2022 2nd AI for Science Workshop},
title={A Survey of Pretraining on Graphs: Taxonomy, Methods, and Applications},
author={Xia, Jun and Zhu, Yanqiao and Du, Yuanqi and Stan Z., Li},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.07893},