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league-connect copied to clipboard

:electric_plug: Node.js HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2.0 and WebSocket interface to the League of Legends Client APIs

Results 18 league-connect issues
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![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/44958959/182026067-900a7504-5745-4d83-a41f-732511993ae4.png) Because the request was sent using createHttp1Request

I can't run the code directly. Can you give me an introduction

Hello, I keep getting ECONNREFUSED errors since the new release each time I open LeagueClient, even when trying a code as simple as that ```js import { createWebSocketConnection, authenticate }...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/90458146/181348070-b81f2b88-93b6-43c3-9da7-7b6e0d24f87f.png) As you can see the current RegEx (the top portion of the screenshot) is taking the "--app-pid" and this is causing problems in the authentication part. I'm basically trash...

Fix for the "--app-pid" problem using replace. Not the best fix but it works.

I cloned the project and followed the steps in the example, however I have 2 errors that refer to exported members. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33198146/180238040-a0c185bb-f454-4909-8d51-86a96d195245.png) I checked the index.js and index.d.ts of the...

When I use createhttp2request to make a data request Unexpected termination of program ![QQ图片20220716040409](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/59303881/179302709-d946bb93-dd89-4954-9e6b-fd71e000812f.png) It seems that it does not support post and put requests

Could you open github sponsors or partreon?

When using the `LeagueClient` class with the client already running, `connect` event doesn't fire. With the app running I have to shutdown the client and reopen it for the event...