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the problem of jjDotPlot

Open marco-luo928420 opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

Dear Mr.JUN,what a wonderful function of jjDotPlot,the plot is very amazing.Today,i wanna use your code to repeat the blog,but there is an error.i google it,but didn't find the answer. The following is the running log:

library(scRNAtoolVis) httest <- system.file("extdata", "htdata.RDS", package = "scRNAtoolVis") pbmc <- readRDS(httest)

add groups

pbmc$groups <- rep(c('stim','control'),each = 1319)

add celltype

pbmc$celltype <- Seurat::Idents(pbmc)

load markergene




A tibble: 3 x 7

Groups: cluster [1]

  p_val avg_log2FC pct.1 pct.2 p_val_adj cluster     gene 
  <dbl>      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl> <fct>       <chr>

1 1.74e-109 1.07 0.897 0.593 2.39e-105 Naive CD4 T LDHB 2 1.17e- 83 1.33 0.435 0.108 1.60e- 79 Naive CD4 T CCR7 3 3.28e- 49 1.05 0.333 0.103 4.50e- 45 Naive CD4 T LEF1

jjDotPlot(object = pbmc, gene = top3pbmc.markers$gene) Error: 'PercentAbove' is not an exported object from 'namespace:Seurat'

At last,thanks for you write this function,I can't wait to give you the little star!!!

marco-luo928420 avatar Aug 22 '22 02:08 marco-luo928420