testng-engine copied to clipboard
TestNG Engine for the JUnit Platform
= TestNG Engine for the JUnit Platform :jcommander-version: 1.72 :jquery-version: 3.5.1 :junit-platform-version: 1.8.2 :surefire-version: 3.0.0-M7 :testng-min-version: 6.14.3 :testng-max-version: 7.10.2 :testng-engine-version: 1.0.5
Allows executing https://testng.org[TestNG] tests on the JUnit Platform
== Usage
.Console Launcher [%collapsible]
When running without a build tool, you need to download the following jars from Maven Central:
- https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=org/junit/platform/junit-platform-console-standalone/{junit-platform-version}/junit-platform-console-standalone-{junit-platform-version}.jar[junit-platform-console-standalone-{junit-platform-version}.jar]
- https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=org/junit/support/testng-engine/{testng-engine-version}/testng-engine-{testng-engine-version}.jar[testng-engine-{testng-engine-version}.jar]
- https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=org/testng/testng/{testng-max-version}/testng-{testng-max-version}.jar[testng-{testng-max-version}.jar]
- https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=com/beust/jcommander/{jcommander-version}/jcommander-{jcommander-version}.jar[jcommander-{jcommander-version}.jar]
- https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=org/webjars/jquery/{jquery-version}/jquery-{jquery-version}.jar[jquery-{jquery-version}.jar]
The following samples assume the above jars have been downloaded to the local lib
folder and production and test classes to bin/main
and bin/test
, respectively.
$ java -cp 'lib/*' org.junit.platform.console.ConsoleLauncher
-cp bin/main -cp bin/test
--include-engine=testng --scan-classpath=bin/test
Thanks for using JUnit! Support its development at https://junit.org/sponsoring
└─ TestNG ✔
└─ CalculatorTests ✔
├─ add(int, int, int) ✔
│ ├─ [0] 0, 1, 1 ✔
│ ├─ [1] 1, 2, 3 ✔
│ ├─ [2] 49, 51, 100 ✔
│ └─ [3] 1, 100, 101 ✔
└─ addsTwoNumbers ✔
2021-07-04T17:43:52.223145 description = 1 + 1 = 2
Test run finished after 38 ms [ 3 containers found ] [ 0 containers skipped ] [ 3 containers started ] [ 0 containers aborted ] [ 3 containers successful ] [ 0 containers failed ] [ 5 tests found ] [ 0 tests skipped ] [ 5 tests started ] [ 0 tests aborted ] [ 5 tests successful ] [ 0 tests failed ]
.Gradle [%collapsible]
[source,kotlin,subs="attributes+"] .build.gradle[.kts]
dependencies { testImplementation("org.testng:testng:{testng-max-version}") testRuntimeOnly("org.junit.support:testng-engine:{testng-engine-version}") // <.> } tasks.test { useJUnitPlatform() // <.> }
<.> Add the engine as an extra dependency for running tests <.> Configure the test task to use the JUnit Platform
.Maven [%collapsible]
[source,xml,subs="attributes+"] .pom.xml
=== Supported versions
==== TestNG
The engine supports TestNG version {testng-min-version} and above.
==== JUnit Platform
The engine requires at least JUnit Platform 1.5.x.
=== Configuration Parameters
The following JUnit Platform https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#running-tests-config-params[configuration parameters] are supported.
==== Execution
whether methods annotated with @Test
that have return values should be considered test methods (default: false
; see https://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html#test-methods[documentation])
maximum number of threads to use for running data providers in parallel, if enabled via @DataProvider(parallel = true)
(default: 10
; see https://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html#parameters-dataproviders[documentation])
(comma-separated list)::
groups to exclude (see <<groups_vs_tags>>)
(comma-separated list)::
groups to be run (see <<groups_vs_tags>>)
TestNG's parallel execution mode for running tests in separate threads (default: "none"
; see https://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html#parallel-tests[documentation])
whether classes and methods should be run in a predictable order (default: true
; see https://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html#testng-xml[documentation])
maximum number of threads for running tests in parallel, if enabled via testng.parallel
(default: 5
; see https://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html#parallel-tests[documentation])
==== Reporting
(comma-separated list of fully-qualified class names)::
custom listeners that should be registered when executing tests (default: ""
; see https://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html#testng-listeners[documentation])
(file path)::
the output directory for reports (default: "test-output"
; see https://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html#running-testng[documentation])
whether TestNG's default report generating listeners should be used (default: false
; see https://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html#running-testng[documentation])
TestNG's level of verbosity for console output (default: 0
=== Generating TestNG reports
.Console Launcher [%collapsible]
$ java -cp 'lib/*' org.junit.platform.console.ConsoleLauncher
-cp bin/main -cp bin/test
--include-engine=testng --scan-classpath=bin/test
.Gradle [%collapsible]
[source,kotlin,subs="attributes+"] .build.gradle[.kts]
tasks.test { useJUnitPlatform() systemProperty("testng.useDefaultListeners", "true")
val testNGReportsDir = layout.buildDirectory.dir("reports/testng")
jvmArgumentProviders += CommandLineArgumentProvider {
.Maven [%collapsible]
=== Registering custom listeners
.Console Launcher [%collapsible]
$ java -cp 'lib/*' org.junit.platform.console.ConsoleLauncher
-cp bin/main -cp bin/test
--include-engine=testng --scan-classpath=bin/test
.Gradle [%collapsible]
[source,kotlin,subs="attributes+"] .build.gradle[.kts]
tasks.test { useJUnitPlatform() systemProperty("testng.listeners", "com.acme.MyCustomListener1, com.acme.MyCustomListener2") }
.Maven [%collapsible]
== Limitations
[#groups_vs_tags] === Groups vs. Tags
https://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html#test-groups[Groups] declared via the @Test
annotation on test classes and methods are exposed as tags to the JUnit Platform.
Hence, you can use https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#running-tests-tag-expressions[tag filter expressions] to include or exclude certain groups.
For example, given the following test class, including the tag included
and excluding excluded
will run test a
and c
but not b
and d
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class TestWithGroups { @Test(groups = "included") public void a() {} @Test(groups = {"included", "excluded"}) public void b() {} @Test(groups = "included") public void c() {} @Test public void d() {} }
However, since tags and therefore groups are filtered rather than selected, @BeforeGroups
and @AfterGroups
configuration methods are not executed on some versions of TestNG.
Moreover, tag filters do not support wildcards such as integration.*
Therefore, instead of using tags, you can use the testng.groups
and testng.excludedGroups
configuration parameters to specify the groups that should be selected.
Ideally, you should use either tags or the group configuration parameters. If you specify both, please ensure they match.
==== Using Tags
.Console Launcher [%collapsible]
$ java -cp 'lib/*' org.junit.platform.console.ConsoleLauncher
-cp bin/main -cp bin/test
--include-engine=testng --scan-classpath=bin/test
--include-tag=included --exclude-tag=excluded
.Gradle [%collapsible]
[source,kotlin,subs="attributes+"] .build.gradle[.kts]
tasks.test { useJUnitPlatform { includeTags("included") excludeTags("excluded") } }
.Maven [%collapsible]
==== Using Configuration Parameters
.Console Launcher [%collapsible]
$ java -cp 'lib/*' org.junit.platform.console.ConsoleLauncher
-cp bin/main -cp bin/test
--include-engine=testng --scan-classpath=bin/test
--config=testng.groups=included --config=testng.excludedGroups=excluded
.Gradle [%collapsible]
[source,kotlin,subs="attributes+"] .build.gradle[.kts]
tasks.test { useJUnitPlatform() systemProperty("testng.groups", "included") systemProperty("testng.excludedGroups", "excluded") }
.Maven [%collapsible]
=== Suites
The engine's main intention is integration with build tools like Gradle and Maven.
Hence, custom suites specified via testng.xml
files are not supported.