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A sample photo search app using Vuejs and unsplash Api
Vue Unsplash is photo search webapp made using Vue.js which uses Unsplash JSON APIs for photo search. Unsplash the most powerful photo engine in the world. Trying to make the unplash like UI and add functionality as much as possible
You are required to have Node.js installed to run the app locally.
Getting Started
Creating a developer account
To access the Unsplash API, first register as a developer.
Registering your application
Once your account has been registered for the API, log in -> go to the Developers page -> Go to "Your Applications"-> "New Application" and fill in the required details.
SignUp or Login in Unsplash. Go to API/devlopers -> Documentation. Then Register your app to get the API key and secret.
API Usage
Update your API_KEY and API_SECRET in the main.js
const unsplash = new Unsplash({
applicationId: "API_KEY",
secret: "API_SECRET",
callbackUrl: "{CALLBACK_URL}"
# install all dependency
~/ npm install
# run
~/ npm run dev
The development of the App is still in progress. Only some part is implemented. You can help with code contribution to add more functionality in the App.
Checkout another repo React-Unsplash. A clone app made using React and Unsplash JSON API