atom-ungit copied to clipboard
Update Ungit Dependency
Unless there is a reason to still use 0.8.x version of Ungit, we should update it to 0.9.x version. Here is the message that I am getting when starting atom-ungit.
A new version of ungit (0.9.2) is available! Run sudo -H npm update -g ungit to install. (You are currently running version 0.8.4.)
For now one can do is go to .../.atom/packages/atom-ungit and manually upgrade atom-ungit.
I guess ungit package version can be bumped every time it is released but I largely want to leave version upgrade to user's discretions.
I might add upgrade ungit button later for convenience....
Well, if you are keeping the ungit as a dependency, then you have all the rights to chose whatever version of ungit you want which means bump the version number up when there is a new version available.
I did think about this several time. One way to do this is to check for globally installed ungit, which it already does unless I broke it, on toggle and install it but this requires sudo in some environments. This way we wouldn't need to have ungit as dep and rely on users to maintain their own ungit.
But for now I think I will lazily upgrade ungit dep...