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Instruction page if ungit is not installed
First of all, the README file needs to mention that for this package to work, ungit must be installed (and a link to installation instructions that are noted on the README of the main ungit repository).
Also, it will be nice if a user installs this package and does not have ungit (or even nodejs) installed then the iframe under the ungit tab of the editor should show a page with instructions to install necessary things to get it working.
Actually, atom-ungit install ungit as an npm dependency. package.json identifies ungit as dependency and it is installed during install, which is reason why install is sort of slow. And for non window machines, atom-ungit will try to start global ungit, if avaliable. If not avaliable, start ungit within atom-ungit. If you have windows, always start local ungit.
But I do like the idea of having a page giving instruction on how to install node if it is missing.
Yesterday I found that I did not have independent nodejs installed on my Ubuntu machine (I recently upgraded to 14.10), but I had Atom running (that was installed from a PPA). When I installed atom-ungit from the usual Atom package repository and tried to run it, it failed and I found an error in the Atom developer console that was complaining about unavailability of "node". Then I installed latest version for "nodejs" followed by "ungit" and it worked.
Missing node, yes you would have to install it. But atom-ungit should be able to run without installing ungit.
I have trouble to get atom-ungit working with Windows 10. Works fine with Linux...
Tried to install
- Atom and atom-ungit (package install failed without notification)
- Atom, nodejs and atom-ungit (package installed, but not opens)
- Atom, nodejs, ungit and atom-ungit (package installed, but not opens)
So what's wrong / missing?
Requirement for atom-ungit is nodejs and atom. i'm not sure what you mean by but not opens. Could you share the client log in atomjs via opening the developer's tool?
I used atom-ungit @ Linux and all works fine. ungit opens up as a atom "tab", but with Windows10 ungit works only with the browser outside of atom. It's not integrated as expected.
I understand it is functional in linux but could you possibly share the atom client log in windows 10 so I can help you debug or possibly fix? Without it, I'm blind to what the problem is.
Today the new Surface Pro 4 stopped working after just a week... So I can't take a closer look at logs at the moment. I think it have to be replaced...
Maybe it was related to my Chrome and audio bugs I experienced... Also recovery doesn't work. Maybe my problem is Surface firmware / Win10 related...
Tested again atom-ungit (current version with up to date atom). ungit works fine standalone. Starting ungit as atom package (atom ui packages menu). module.js:457
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\pwfoo'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:455:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:403:25)
at Module.runMain (module.js:590:10)
at run (bootstrap_node.js:394:7)
at startup (bootstrap_node.js:149:9)
at bootstrap_node.js:509:3
(anonymous function) @ @ events.js:95emit @ events.js:182readableAddChunk @ _stream_readable.js:153Readable.push @ _stream_readable.js:111onread @ net.js:531