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[windows] fzf.vim git commands not working properly (BCommits, Commits, GFiles?)
- [X] I have fzf 0.23.0 or above
- [X] I have read through https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.vim/blob/master/README.md
- [X] I have read through https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/blob/master/README-VIM.md
- [X] I have read through the manual page of fzf (
man fzf
) - [X] I have searched through the existing issues
First, thanks for all the wonderful work you are doing. I'm a fan. I can't live without fzf in vim or the shell + some of your other plugins.
Recently I've been working on Windows 10. With nvim 0.5 and 0.6 and I can't get the Git sections of fzf.vim to work.
Here some examples:
GFiles? output
Commits output
BCommits output
As recommended in some issues here and stackoverflow to get the preview for ripgrep or ag I did set the following on my vim config:
I installed via chocolatey SED and BAT as I wasn't sure if it the issue was that, but it seems is not. ripgrep and Ag previews work as they should.
I have some other git related plugins as fugitive, git messenger and git gutter and all of them work correctly. Also GFiles? Does show the proper edited files list.
have this issue too with default settings.
Adding this to my vim config fixed the issue with Commits and BCommits for me: let g:fzf_commits_log_options = '--graph --color=always --format="%C(auto)%h%d %s %C(green)%cr"'
I didn't have the same issue with GFiles.
One thing I was wondering with Commits and BCommits though is if there is a way to have the preview window come up for each commit. Somewhat how this works but within vim: https://github.com/wfxr/forgit Please let me know if it's best to post that part in a separate issue.