Results 229 comments of Junegunn Choi

Thanks, I like it 👍 A minor nit: the default background color of the light theme is 253. Can you correct it?

> with g:seoul256_background set to 233 > * todo syntax was rendered with visually jarring effect > > * as bg colors dropped to #000000 Do you find it really...

> thereby enabling opting out of background colour contrast So the difference is only noticeable to the users who switch between light and dark modes, using `256` for the light...

Thanks for the suggestion and pointers. As you can see, I'm not actively maintaining this project as my interest in Redis diminished. If anyone is interested in taking the initiative...

It's not that we don't use Redis, it's just that I'm no longer responsible for the operation of Redis at work.

> You can use any color scheme, and run `:hi Normal ctermbg=none guibg=none` before calling Limelight to test it. Getting this error: ``` E254: Cannot allocate color none ```

I don't think the patch is correct. After applying your patch, Limelight stops working with any of my color schemes. (e.g. seoul256, Tomorrow, etc.) > Unsupported color scheme. g:limelight_conceal_ctermfg required....

I can't reproduce the problem, tested on zsh 5.4 and 5.8 ```sh $ echo $ZSH_VERSION 5.4.2 $ source ~/.fzf.zsh $ bindkey | grep fzf "^I" fzf-completion "^R" fzf-history-widget "^T" fzf-file-widget...