
Results 48 issues of jumper047

In my company we using slack with zoom app, which generates special blocks inside buffer with "join" button and additional stuff. I added rudimentary support for this type of blocks...

When i jump between windows configurations in [wasamasa/eyebrowse](https://github.com/wasamasa/eyebrowse), sublimity-scroll stop working with error "Error in post-command-hook (sublimity--post-command): (error "‘recenter’ing a window that does not display current-buffer.")" This error appears only...

Package web-server required, but in "Install" section nothing about it. And, by the way, can you add this package to melpa? PS Nice work!

Just an idea (don't know, is it usefull or not). I noticed that I had better wake up to the new alarm sound. After some time, I'm getting used to...

As far as I remember, skunk's settings app hosted on Heroku? They just posted the article - https://blog.heroku.com/next-chapter Sounds like they'll discontinue free accounts. Is it affect skunk? Still using...

And hi again!:) Is it possible to make this app gadgetbridge-compatible? As far as I can understand, gadgetbridge restrict watchapps internet access. The only way to send something to watchapps...

After synchronizing with orgmode in tasks not defined the todo-keywords, they are recognized as part of the text of task. Tell me, what data are needed to more accurately diagnose...

After last weeks changes in lsp-mode symbol-outline became broken. Please, tell that you still mantain this package!^^

Error appears when I trying to translate someghing. There is debugger output: ``` Debugger entered--Lisp error: (search-failed ",tkk:'") search-forward(",tkk:'") google-translate--search-tkk() google-translate--get-b-d1() google-translate--gen-tk("test") google-translate--request("en" "ru" "test") google-translate-request("en" "ru" "test") google-translate-translate("en" "ru"...


I'm not sure this is good solution, so please consider it as bug report if you want:) And thank you for that package, it's truly awesome! Love it, and hope...