
Results 83 issues of jums

On a work layout, besides displaying individual author links, the layout could be enhanced with a link to a URL composed of all authors. URL could be build by joining...


This client error happens when opening a work page without being logged in. Browser console shows an error, while the page is fine. Seem to be AddToDotDotDotMenu which queries listing...

listings (users' entities lists)

I would like to update what is currently in the third box of the welcome layout, as there are more features now than when this exchange part was written in...

Although the server is more tolerant to some values format [#663](https://github.com/inventaire/inventaire/pull/663). It would help dissipate some user's FUD to inform them what will be accepted by the editor on paste...

UX refactoring

![2022-12-09_14-36](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5363918/206714808-aec67a03-6776-4abb-a595-0baeaaf82b00.png) Hard to reproduce Browser inspector says that Flash component belongs to Summary. Expected behavior: console log timeout errors, and display available summaries


When i load a page, the first thing displayed is a "There is nothing here" message, while i should instead see a spinner before elements are here. This is due...


On a work layout, when i add the work to a list by checking the box, then i close the dropdown, then i click on "add to" button to re...

listings (users' entities lists)

Today the shelves are displayed from newer to older. Some way of editing an ordinal could make sense. Would make sense to save this order from session to session, therefore...


as stated in server PR [#654](https://github.com/inventaire/inventaire/pull/654), it seems like doublon requests ie. (`/api/entities?action=by-uris&uris=isbn:9782738108074&refresh=false&autocreate=true`) are sent when a user scans barcodes and validate quickly enough, so that the first request (sent...


regular users of the editor may feel a bit strange not seeing all the props they were used to before #311. To solve that, a button at the bottom of...
