
Results 114 comments of jums

To bring references to Wikidata, applying the same data object as [wikibase-edit](https://github.com/maxlath/wikibase-edit) seems reachable. Storing references would go from today couchdb entity document: ```js { _id: "foo", claims: { "wdt:P31":...

Looks like cache invalidation from Mastodon servers should be triggered, probably by sending them Delete activities, when a user is unchecking the Fediverse integration checkbox.

see [The Delete Activity And It’s Misconceptions](https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/the-delete-activity-and-its-misconceptions/137)

To be more granular about multiple comments of the same element (?) 2 examples: - having a comment's timestamp would allow to have comment's replies or to sort by newest...

Lets start by a textfield for the moment, the element being the timestamp and entity URI link to find the comment

I had in mind a hard split (different category) to give priority to `reporter` tasks, as a real human is in pain seeing a mismatch somewhere. But yes, it could...

Here is a query to find the 10000th task sorted by descending score: ``` curljson "http://[couchdb]/tasks-prod/_design/tasks/_view/byScore" | jq ".rows[]|sort_by(.key[2])|reverse|.[10000]" ``` Rough idea of the results: 1 000th task score: `674.73`...

Following recent discussion with max: - having a way to automatically display human generated tasks first feels superior to generate 2 distinct robot/human lists, or a checkbox a la MediaWiki...

I have not set my mind upon this shadow item thing, seems handy to define customed props ok. But, in a federated world, other people can define the same prop...

In order to test the script to fill elements without `ordinal`, one may: - delete `lists` and `elements` couch databases, - replace [`assert_.number(element.ordinal)`](https://github.com/inventaire/inventaire/blob/e46af93032a74f1c49077805970161881d6fcc4e/server/models/element.ts#L32) by `delete element.ordinal` - skip test `xit('should...