> Ha pasado más de una semana y no ha proporcionado nada útil para la depuración. and here nothing has been done either the gapps go with each version to...

during the first boot it is a one plus 3 with lineage os 17.1 and gapps aroma of 64 bits and that without counting the number of apps that are...
Thanks to you for answering but the problem is that I am using nickgaps now, I could reinstall the system to be able to do what you ask me but...
does not start the os can you logcat from twrp? thanks is that it gets stuck in the assistant I can't open developer
[open_gapps_log.txt](https://github.com/opengapps/opengapps/files/5817046/open_gapps_log.txt) [recovery.log](https://github.com/opengapps/opengapps/files/5817047/recovery.log) [dmesg.log](https://github.com/opengapps/opengapps/files/5817050/dmesg.log)
[logcat.txt](https://github.com/opengapps/opengapps/files/5817126/logcat.txt) in the end I achieve it, I hope it's worth it, thank you anyway for helping me
is this still open? nobody discovered anything
My limit doesn't exceed 70 still charge up to 100  
I never saw what happened, you use the latest bios by chance, it's on version 115