Julius Knorr

Results 342 issues of Julius Knorr

With 24 we have a server API to handle user migration which deck should also support by implementing https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/stable/developer_manual/digging_deeper/user_migration.html We already have a way to dump json exports of boards...

1. to develop

- [x] Sidebar button in top right is missing an accessible name - [ ] Expand button in the app navigation is missing a name and should use aria-expanded

1. to develop

- [ ] When the user opens the card details in the sidebar, screen reader users are not informed of this, so they have no way of knowing that a...

2. developing

The current modal view design is basically a larger sidebar and doesn't properly use the available space. When talking about this in the past with @jancborchardt and @Clementine46 the Trello...

2. developing

* Target version: master ### Summary The idea of this is that integrators like Nextcloud can easily verify potential setup issues like Collabora not being able to connect back to...

### Steps to reproduce 1. Have a VTODO entry like this ``` BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Sabre//Sabre VObject 4.3.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VTODO UID:deck-card-1 DTSTAMP:20200915T081957Z DUE:20200917T140000Z RELATED-TO:deck-stack-1 STATUS:NEEDS-ACTION CATEGORIES:zzzz,aaaa SUMMARY:Beispielaufgabe 3 DESCRIPTION: END:VTODO END:VCALENDAR...

1 - to develop

Still throwing some errors in the viewer as https://github.com/nextcloud/viewer/pull/1319 / https://github.com/nextcloud/viewer/pull/1300 are missing and the Vue instance has a different version there. Ref https://github.com/vuejs/vue/issues/12627 At some point we should probably...


Ensures that the color of the placeholder is a proper max contrast text color.

3. to review

The collaborator menu is not accessible directly after opening as it is put at the very end of the DOM tree, so there user basically needs to tab through the...

1. to develop

Addresses the prevent download share permission added with https://github.com/nextcloud/server/pull/32482 For now we block access through text fully - [ ] Check hide download on public share links ![Screenshot 2022-08-03 at...

2. developing