Julius R Friedman
Julius R Friedman
I just made this because since I am having issues with or without contractions I figured I should help to try and track the issue down, this was a low...
`public static Route Concatenate(this Route route1, Route route2, bool clone)` the parameter `clone` is never used resulting in new instances always being in the concatenated route. The fix would be...
Wondering if you had any existing example / experience for `Boat` / `Waterway` Routing and if you would be interested in a `Vehicle` which can route on such ways. (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Marine_navigation,...
Given an `EdgeId` of a `RouterPoint` and the `EdgeId` of another `RouterPoint`, if they do not match I would like to take the first `EdgeId` from the first `RouterPoint` and...
There seems to be an issue in the aforementioned where the index can be outside the bounds of the array: `var nextArray = new int[directedWeights.Length / 2];` When `directedWeights` is...
I have read https://www.moonsharp.org/moonluadifferences.html and cannot seem to find any reference to `!=` vs `~=`. See also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34713203/what-does-lua-operator-mean/34713230 Can you point me to the documentation where you figured that out?...
https://github.com/itinero/routing/blob/8559dff47ae150592e686f1282cd2ec26d7e1d0d/src/Itinero/Algorithms/Contracted/Dual/ManyToMany/VertexToVertexWeightAlgorithm.cs#L183 Simply commenting them out seems to work for me as they are defined generically in the base class.
Using profile from: https://github.com/itinero/GTFS/blob/features/shapes/src/GTFS.Shapes/Osm/profiles/train.lua From [email protected]% [41.8105,-87.76265] To [email protected]% [41.616356,-87.3693] Profile Shortest results in `RouteNotFound` exception while Profile Fastest has result with success: > LINESTRING (-87.762619018554688 41.810462951660156, -87.751045227050781 41.814109802246094, -87.74481201171875...
``` /// /// A Train /// public class TrainProfile : Profile { private static Dictionary SpeedProfiles = new Dictionary { {"railway",90 }, {"railway_link",90 }, {"trunk",70 }, {"trunk_link",70 }, {"primary",50 },...
First of all I would like to say great project...! I have my own @ https://net7mma.codeplex.com/ Anyway in https://github.com/ngraziano/SharpRTSP/blob/master/RtspMultiplexer/TcpToUdpForwader.cs You are sending TCP ALF frame headers to the UDP EndPoint......