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JSON fields
Is it possible to support the filtering function by the key values of JSON fields? SQLAlchemy has a JSON_EXTRACT function and I can filter Model.json_column ['key'] == value
Hi @Goomba41 , thanks for your request.
It is currently not supported by the library but it'd be a nice addition to it if we can integrate it.
I am going to start looking into it and will keep you posted here.
What I ended up doing is using the hybrid_property decorators to "recreate" the fields from the JSON field. This then allows the filter function to work.
class report(Base):
""" Table to store reports. """
__tablename__ = "report"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
report = Column(JSONB)
def created(self):
return self.report['created']
Its not ideal since you have to define them with each change, but it works
@juliotrigo is there any progress on this
@juliotrigo @Goomba41 @btoro
Looks like these changes might work for jsonb parsing
in sorting.py and filtering.py , I have added below code
if self.sort_spec.get("jsonb_path", None):
jsonb_keys = self.sort_spec.get("jsonb_path").split("__")
sqlalchemy_field = sqlalchemy_field.cast(JSONB)[tuple(jsonb_keys)]
filter_spec = [
{"or": [
{'field': 'metrics', 'op': '==', 'value': '0.8', 'jsonb_path': "metrics__f1"},
{'field': 'id', 'op': '==', 'value': '1'}
sort_spec = [
{'field': 'metrics', 'direction': 'desc', "nullslast": True, 'jsonb_path': "metrics__f1"},
{'field': 'metrics', 'direction': 'asc', "nullslast": True, 'jsonb_path': "metrics__accuracy"},
Here's a simple patch for anyone who ends up here for JSONB
import sqlalchemy_filters
import types
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB
from sqlalchemy_filters import ( # noqa
class JSONPatchField(models.Field):
def get_sqlalchemy_field(self):
sub_field_names = None
if "." in self.field_name:
field_name, *sub_field_names = self.field_name.split(".")
field_name = self.field_name
if field_name not in self._get_valid_field_names():
raise models.FieldNotFound(
"Model {} has no column `{}`.".format(self.model, field_name)
sqlalchemy_field = getattr(self.model, field_name)
# If it's a hybrid method, then we call it so that we can work with
# the result of the execution and not with the method object itself
if isinstance(sqlalchemy_field, types.MethodType):
sqlalchemy_field = sqlalchemy_field()
elif isinstance(sqlalchemy_field.type, JSONB) and sub_field_names:
sqlalchemy_field = sqlalchemy_field[sub_field_names]
sqlalchemy_field = sqlalchemy_field.astext
return sqlalchemy_field
sqlalchemy_filters.filters.Field = JSONPatchField
sqlalchemy_filters.loads.Field = JSONPatchField
sqlalchemy_filters.pagination.Field = JSONPatchField
sqlalchemy_filters.sorting.Field = JSONPatchField