nuxt-optimized-images copied to clipboard
require() of ES Module
require() of ES Module C:\Users\veneg\Desktop\digital\node_modules\imagemin-mozjpeg\index.js from C:\Users\veneg\Desktop\digital\node_modules\@aceforth\nuxt-optimized-images\lib\loaders\img-loader.js not supported.
Instead change the require of index.js in C:\Users\veneg\Desktop\digital\node_modules\@aceforth\nuxt-optimized-images\lib\loaders\img-loader.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
Instead change the require of index.js in node_modules\@aceforth\nuxt-optimized-images\lib\loaders\img-loader.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
require() of ES Module C:\Users\veneg\Desktop\digital\node_modules\imagemin-mozjpeg\index.js from C:\Users\veneg\Desktop\digital\node_modules\@aceforth\nuxt-optimized-images\lib\loaders\img-loader.js not supported.
Instead change the require of index.js in C:\Users\veneg\Desktop\digital\node_modules\@aceforth\nuxt-optimized-images\lib\loaders\img-loader.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
Instead change the require of index.js in node_modules\@aceforth\nuxt-optimized-images\lib\loaders\img-loader.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
Im following instruction but getting an error in nuxt
imagemin and svgo downgrade to v9 helps, but u need to update your module to new version of optimizators
Hey peeps, any update on this one?