Júlio Hoffimann
Júlio Hoffimann
Sorry I copied the wrong line of code. This is the code that triggers the bug: ```julia using StatsBase n = 5030 N = 141230 sample(1:n, StatsBase.Weights(rand(Float32,n)), N, replace=true) ```...
This bug is affecting me again in other projects. The `make_alias_table` function is causing a lot of issues downstream it seems.
Copying the error message: ```julia ERROR: MethodError: no method matching make_alias_table!(::Weights{Float32, Float32, Vector{Float32}}, ::Float32, ::Vector{Float64}, ::Vector{Int64}) Closest candidates are: make_alias_table!(::AbstractVector{Float64}, ::Float64, ::AbstractVector{Float64}, ::AbstractVector{Int64}) at /home/juliohm/.julia/packages/StatsBase/DWW4r/src/sampling.jl:587 Stacktrace: [1] alias_sample!(rng::Random._GLOBAL_RNG, a::UnitRange{Int64}, wv::Weights{Float32,...
I am triggering it whenever I build the GeoStats.jl docs in the master branch.
@fredrikekre aren't these lines supported? What should I do?
Thank you all for putting this proposal together. I would like to double check with you if I am understanding things correctly. Consider the following abstract `Meshes.Data` type that I...
@guilhermebodin it just that we are loading a bunch of climate data for the globe and have a time series for each lat/lon. Because we want to save memory and...
Thanks for sharing these tips. I will see how I can choose a different filter and initialization as suggested.
Although the code will produce a result, (lat, lon) coordinates are special, and we definitely need more explicit support in GeoStats.jl for these coordinate systems. @Datseris is aware of this...
Thank you @Balinus , I will review what I need to do more carefully and will come back if this is blocking other activities. Hopefully I will be able to...