Lets make them configurable per user by having a JavaScript configuration file in `~\.hsrc.js`.
npm modules offer a convenient way to factor and distribute Hotshell patterns, see [hotshell-util](https://github.com/julienmoumne/hotshell-util) as an example. Downloading npm modules is straightforward using a Node environment. However, Hotshell does not...
As per the discussion in #29, we may need to deprecate .NET 4.0 in order to provide async methods.
I am quoting Peter (@ptr1120) from https://github.com/piwik/piwik-dotnet-tracker/pull/29 for the description of this issue: [...] implement the support for e.g. .NetCore, UWP, Mono, Xamarin,... I see big capability for the piwik...
Running and maintaining samples requires [commenting and un-commenting code](https://github.com/piwik/piwik-dotnet-tracker/blob/3.0.0/Piwik.Tracker.Samples/PiwikTrackerSamples.cs#L19). Let's split the main sample file into multiple individually runnable main classes.
When #8 and #9 are completed, it will be possible to publish builds to NuGet. The goal of this ticket is to automate the process of building and publishing a...
PiwikTracker.cs contains more than 1700 line of codes. Let's improve maintainability and testability by splitting the tracker's logic into small units of code.
First goal should be to reproduce the error reported and fixed by @ptr1120 in https://github.com/piwik/piwik-dotnet-tracker/pull/29