Also, loading of the proper translated flavor of the site depending on user's settings would be awesome, but this is probably impossible with a static website. is it really ?
See https://www.flag-sprites.com/ for free flags with css code ready
with a small javascript snippet it should be possible to redirect to the user's language specific version of the page (more or less like simone does for yunohost doc ?)
See https://github.com/yunohost/yunohost-admin/blob/unstable/src%2Fjs%2Fyunohost%2Fmain.js#L111-L119 redirect in js with : document.location.href = "https://tonporn.com"
Jinja has a gettext extension : http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/dev/extensions/#i18n-extension This could probably help a lot, and decouple quite well localization functionnalities from the core of prosopopee. I made an attempt with stuff...
An experiment i'm relatively happy with : https://gist.github.com/julienmalik/e6544ad26e82bae4381c
beginning of a solution here : https://github.com/julienmalik/prosopopee/tree/internationalization it generates index.$lang.html for all langs if you put e.g. : ``` multilingual: - fr - es ``` in the root settings.yaml to...
See #356
Hum... quite strange that the mingw warnings disappear with ctest launchers enabled. This should be investigated further.
CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS is even ignored for this mingw build since it uses ctest 2.8, which ignores CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS since include(CTest) is not used. We need cmake >= 3.0 here