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Request: Achievements
Hi @julienV ! I hope you're well and this project is still alive!
I'm having an idea about achievements for each driver and team that are shown just under their profile picture as a stand-alone field and also a stand-alone module that shows only achievements of X driver or X team ( just like "Tracks individual and team modules" ).
The idea is to have some basic achievements - 5 for example that can be auto-triggered for winning a race, competition, round, season, double team wins, being X time on the podium, etc. etc., and the possibility to add custom achievements as well ( like a custom field, but auto-triggered as well ). Customization of the images for each achievement is a must-have! Hover the images with addition info about what the achievement is about and link to stand-alone page with all the achievements would be great as well!
I think that would be a great addition to this awesome component and could be more attractive too. I DON'T mind if this is a paid addon/module at all!
I did a really quick and raw drawing (thanks Steam) to give you an example on the look, so please don't have a laugh at them :)