Julie Jones

Results 107 comments of Julie Jones

it appears that pathify partly works with vue 3 and vuex 4 (I am using quasar 2). The normal vue 3 way of accessing the store ```const store = useStore()```...

>> "I presume you can still access the store through this.$store ?" With the vue 3 composition api there is no access to ```this```. I believe that is why the...

I went and reviewed a bit. For vue 3 with the composition api the suggestion is to provide access either with provide/inject or for things like the store that are...

> > > I mentioned this [further up](https://github.com/davestewart/vuex-pathify/issues/130#issuecomment-891751151), but if someone had time to create a simple Vue 3 / Vuex 4 repo that I could use as a starting...

I am in complete support of using XDG directories on all platforms if defined. I have been working with the XDG spec and trying to adapt it to all platforms...

> I'm a soft -1 for doing any changes related to this on Windows, and -0 for adopting XDG-when-set on MacOS (as long as there's a way to opt out,...

I suspect it is the same problem that I have which causes python to report that stdout is not a tty. Add `ConPTY=on` to your minttyrc file.

I just found out that the shortcut created in the start menu during installation is a special terminal shortcut with a terminal tab. It doesn't read config file in C:\msys64\mingw64.ini....

What do you mean enable the variable in the Control Panel? Do you mean add it to the system or user environment variables? What is the reason for not enabling...

> Which python are you running? I am running python310 from an install on Windows. > What does python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)" show? 3.10.2 (tags/v3.10.2:a58ebcc, Jan 17 2022, 14:12:15)...