Julia Sloan
Julia Sloan
Our current default config is `interactive_debug.yml`, which runs slabplanet for 20 days. To me, it's usually more helpful to use a shorter simulation (~400secs) for debugging, and we may want...
In #994, we found that the results of our conservation checks changed when the grid stretching used in atmos changed. We need to figure out why this is the case....
This should be pretty straightforward after updating our diagnostics to use ClimaDiagnostics in #954 .
Now that ClimaDiagnostics and ClimaAnalysis are more developed packages, we can switch to using those and remove the ClimaCoupler Diagnostics module. This has the benefits of slimming down the coupler...
ClimaAtmos and ClimaCoupler currently have slightly different approaches to setting up the config. Atmos reuses an existing config file if it's defined, or creates a new one if not. Coupler...
To prevent upstream packages from breaking the coupler, we want to add downstream tests in those packages that exercises our AMIP experiment code. It isn't very helpful to run ClimaCoupler's...
bottom line of table isn't rendering
Slack will stop supporting their files.upload API on March 11, 2025. Our ClimaBot uses this interface to upload files to Slack, e.g. for our coupler report channel. We'll need to...
Our benchmark run table only has CPU and 4-GPU runs right now. Most of the ClimaAtmos performance-oriented jobs run on 1 GPU, so it would be good for us to...
## Purpose Remove ClimaCoupler TimeManager module, and use ClimaUtilities' equivalent instead. supersedes https://github.com/CliMA/ClimaCoupler.jl/pull/429/, which is outdated requires https://github.com/CliMA/ClimaUtilities.jl/pull/108 closes https://github.com/CliMA/ClimaCoupler.jl/issues/423 ## To-do ## Content ---- - [ ] I have...