Julia Sloan
Julia Sloan
Switch from using ClimaCoupler.jl Regridder module to using shared ClimaUtilities.jl Regridder. See https://github.com/CliMA/ClimaUtilities.jl/pull/8 for detailed interface/functionality changes. tracked by https://github.com/CliMA/ClimaUtilities.jl/issues/39 ## To Do - [ ] Delete ClimaCoupler.jl Regridder module...
https://github.com/CliMA/ClimaUtilities.jl/issues/7 Switch from using ClimaCoupler.jl Checkpointer module to using shared ClimaUtilities.jl Checkpointer. tracked by https://github.com/CliMA/ClimaUtilities.jl/issues/39 ## To Do - [ ] Move `get_model_state_vec` from Checkpointer to Interfacer in ClimaCoupler.jl -...
Use ClimaUtilities FileReader instead of our own BCReader. tracked by https://github.com/CliMA/ClimaUtilities.jl/issues/39
We want to set `anim: true` for GPU runs so we can see how they evolve over time, but the animations code is not GPU-compatible. There is some scalar indexing...
Our current tests for `BCReader.interpolate_data` don't test all possible cases. We need to add a new one to test the case where we try to interpolate data at a date...
**Bug 1** In the BCReader module's `bcfile_info_init` function, we set a default parameter value `date0 = nothing`. However, this fails later in the function when we try to call `datetime_to_strdate(date0)`,...
Recently, we've seen some jobs failing with the following error > ERROR: LoadError: RequestError: Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 20 seconds while requesting https://downloads.psl.noaa.gov/Datasets/ncep.reanalysis2/Monthlies/gaussian_grid/ulwrf.ntat.mon.mean.nc To...
When we run simulations on 2 GPUs, we get an error that the surface fractions don't sum up to 1. This doesn't happen when running on 1 or 4 GPUs....
## Purpose add nsys GPU profiling for target AMIP and slabplanet with static map albedo runs closes #700 ## Status Runs with nsys added are failing with NetCDF errors, e.g.:...
choose a convention for referring to modules within other modules when calling functions, and make sure this use is consistent throughout the repo - e.g.: use `import ClimaCoupler: ModuleName` when...