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Unable to shadow v3 into the jar
Hi, I wanted to swtich from v2 to v3 but since I did, NPC-Lib is not getting shadowed inside my plugin JAR even if the only thing I changed is the version. (the dependency is found correctly). I also put these lines to be sure it wasn't getting excluded for some reasons
shadow 'com.github.juliarn.NPC-Lib:api:3.0.0-beta2' shadow 'com.github.juliarn.NPC-Lib:bukkit:3.0.0-beta2'
This has to be an issue on your side. You could post your gradle setup so I can take a look if I can see the cause, but it's 100% not our fault :)
Sure! I opened an issue because I didn't find any other ways to ask for help. It's a bit strange because v2 shadows without any issue.
game: api-game: main build.gradle:
I know a month is passed. But, this can help to further viewers.
Docs says:
Dependencies added to the shadow configuration are not bundled into the output JAR.
When using shadow
NPC-Lib won't be shaded into jar. You must use implementation
instead of shadow
I'm not sure why v2 is worked. There could be another jar which added lib to the class path.
Already tried with implementation, I used shadow just as a test
Can you send your current gradle files?
Also, can you send picture of your "external libraries" files.
Here's my current setup. I'm using kotlin dsl.
dependencies {
I'm also relocating it.
tasks.withType<com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar> {
relocate("com.github.juliarn", "com.kingOf0.farmer.shade.juliarn")
The readme contains some instructions how to relocate the lib now. If you still have these issues please open a new issue.