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SpecificRecord Support for multi record union type
I need to deserialize avro message which implemented SpecificRecord. The schema I used is like: union { record1, record2, record3} event;
But I find SpecificRecord does not support OptionShapelessCoproduct, OptionEitherShapelessCoproduct, or OptionalShapelessCoproduct.
val avroScalaCustomTypes = SpecificRecord.defaultTypes.copy(union = OptionEitherShapelessCoproduct) val generator = new Generator(SpecificRecord, restrictedFieldNumber = true, avroScalaCustomTypes = Some(avroScalaCustomTypes))
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unions beyond nullable fields are not supported at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27) at avrohugger.format.specific.converters.JavaConverter$.convertToJava(JavaConverter.scala:35) at avrohugger.format.specific.methods.GetGenerator$.avrohugger$format$specific$methods$GetGenerator$$asGetCase$1(GetGenerator.scala:23)
Can we add support for specific record
👍🏼 +1. Same issue.
Would it make sense to support this kind of unions? Because it doesn't work event for two types inside union:
"name": "myField",
"type": ["MyEvent1", "MyEvent2"]
[error] stack trace is suppressed; run last Compile / avroScalaGenerate for the full output
[error] (Compile / managedSources) spray.json.DeserializationException: Object expected in field 'name'
[error] (Compile / avroScalaGenerate) Unions, beyond nullable fields, are not supported.
[error] Found a union of more than one type
Top level in this avsc file is not a single type like usual, but 4 types are defined inside an array: https://github.com/julianpeeters/avrohugger/issues/24
If the types are independent, it is not an issue to split the file in multiple avsc files.
But if there are dependencies, i do not know currently any way in Avro hugger to ensure that the avsc files are parsed in their dependency order: https://github.com/julianpeeters/avrohugger/issues/137