kaggle_ndsb2017 copied to clipboard
step2_train_nodule_detector.py ValueError: output of generator should be a tuple
I cannot run the debugger but do you have traindata in place ?
Thanks.I just place wrong place. Besides why file trained_model.rar cannot download ?
Please try again.. It seems to work now. https://retinopaty.blob.core.windows.net/ndsb3/trained_models.rar
I cannot run the debugger but do you have the trained model in place ?
In step4_train_submissions , variable 'extension' is assigned at this: for extension in extensions: src_dir = settings.NDSB3_NODULE_DETECTION_DIR + "predictions" + str(int(magnification * 10)) + extension + "/" pred_nodules_df = pandas.read_csv(src_dir + patient_id + ".csv") pred_nodules_df = pred_nodules_df[pred_nodules_df["diameter_mm"] > 0] pred_nodules_df = pred_nodules_df[pred_nodules_df["nodule_chance"] > nodule_th] pred_df_list.append(pred_nodules_df)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/Python/code/Kaggle/Bowl2017/step4_train_submissions.py", line 397, in
dicom raw data must have to include stage2 with this code ? I find you use file combine_nodule_predictions.csv in function 'combine_nodule_predictions'?