Closure type bug compiles correctly with Ant outside of Astor. But inside Astor when generating the Spoon model, it gives a level 8 compliance error with the message: ` The...
I ran this command in astor, using the defects4j's Bug Charts: ` java -cp /home/julia/mestrado/teste/astor_bkp/target/astor-2.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.main.evolution.AstorMain -mode jKali -location /home/julia/mestrado/ test/Bugs/Chart-1 -maxtime 120 -mode statement -package org.apache.commons -jvm4testexecution /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/ -srcjavafolder...
I ran this astor command: `java -cp /home/julia/mestrado/teste/astor_bkp/target/astor-2.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.main.evolution.AstorMain -mode jKali -location /home/julia/mestrado/teste/Bugs/Closure-10 -maxtime 120 -mode statement -package org.apache.commons -jvm4testexecution /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/ -srcjavafolder /src/java/ -srctestfolder /src/test/ -binjavafolder /target/classes -bintestfolder /target/test-classes -flthreshold...
I want to run some bugs from Defects4j that aren't in the 'examples' folder. How do I get this?
When I run the command for example lang_39: `java -cp astor-1.1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.main.evolution.AstorMain -mode jgenprog -srcjavafolder /src/java/ -srctestfolder /src/test/ -binjavafolder /target/classes/ - bintestfolder /target/test-classes/ -location /home/astor/Documents/A3/astor/examples/lang_39/` It doesn't return any answer,...
I was running the command from inside the Astor folder instead of the target folder Now when I run the command inside the target folder, using the example Math-issue-280 at...
When I run the command using the lang_63 example: `java -cp astor-1.1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.main.evolution.AstorMain -mode jgenprog -srcjavafolder /src/java/ -srctestfolder /src/test/ -binjavafolder /target/classes/ - bintestfolder /target/test-classes/ -location /home/astor/Documents/A3/astor/examples/lang_63/` Returns the error: ```...
This same error is returned when I run the command, using the example math_50v2 in location: `java -cp astor-1.1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.main.evolution.AstorMain -mode jgenprog -srcjavafolder /src/java/ -srctestfolder /src/test/ -binjavafolder /target/classes/ - bintestfolder...
I installed astor via option 2, but I couldn't run the test examples, so I tried to install via option 1 and I can't run it either. I ran the...
I have installed astor by option 2, but I can't compile other test examples besides "Math-issue-280". Tried to run test example "Math-issue-309", but got no feedback. How do I run...