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search issue
It works just fine few days ago, but now when i search word from middle sentence, i can only search one word instead of few word with space separator.
for example:
Atlanta Falcons New Orleans Saints Tampa Bay Buccaneers
If i search from beginning, everything works fine, but if i search "Bay Bucc" , it will show me 'no result match "Bay Bucc".
Any idea? thanks.
We use 1.1.0 chosen.jquery.min.js, in every browser
Hi there, Search for winnow_resulsts and change the regex expression, remove the '^'+
Change "new RegExp('^' + searchText.replace(/[-[]{}()+?.,\^$|#\s]/g, "\$&"), 'i'), " to new RegExp(searchText.replace(/[-[]{}()+?.,\^$|#\s]/g, "\$&"), 'i'),
which file i should going to search for? i search string "'^'" in 1.1.0/chosen.jquery.min.js file, but can not find the expression you mention above, any idea? thanks.
See But it looks like you're looking at the original jQuery version, not this MooTools fork.
Yes, we use original JQuery version (1.1.0 chosen.jquery.min.js), if so,how to solve the issue? thanks.
No idea, but please have a look at that version's repository & documentation here: