Hello, I've just started a PhD at the ENS computational biology department in Paris where I'll be advised with Laura Cantini. As my PhD will be centered on multimodal data...
Dear authors, I would like to download the 10X PBMC data (12k scRNA-seq cells and 10k scATAC-seq cells called Dataset 1 in your paper) from different donors you used in...
Hi, Thank you very much for sharing your work, I found it very interesting. When looking at the examples on your repo something confuses me, is it possible to integrate...
Hi, I am trying to use the data available at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f7ebheru1lbz91s/AACK9iPT11K13PYck7uCUrvXa/mpfc_160?dl=0&subfolder_nav_tracking=1 to harmonize different datasets including yours. However when I tried using the cell_types for the 20180417_BZ5_control experience, I noticed...