Hey @zaverden, thanks for your diagnosis. I believe the intermittent errors you were having can be attributed to some EN service availability issues that became more frequent at the beginning...
Hi @galtenberg, I'm sorry to hear about all the trouble and thanks for the heads up for the next release. I cannot give you any ETA but I think we...
Hi @bkniffler, I sympathize with your frustration and while I'm not an authoritative voice here, as I heard it's likely the SDK will get an update soon — at least...
For me a simple `.toLocaleString()` is what offers the worst results. It uses en-US both in Chrome and Firefox; Safari says it's using my own system locale, but the formatting...
Hi @AKFourSeven, sorry for the late reply — I've been AFK for some days. First of all, note we haven't done any work yet on the support for deployments via...
Also worth considering: https://styled-components.com/
For the record: * Files from /dev-content/webroot/ are displayed in the dropdown, but at the end of the list of children directories and files. * A particular file was missing...
> Does CLDR have this data? Unless I'm looking at the wrong place, I can find data for `energy-foodcalorie`, here are some examples: * de: https://github.com/unicode-org/cldr-json/blob/0fd7b0b3b6e4f83e0df96ce55f87f39b91932377/cldr-json/cldr-units-full/main/de/units.json#L859-L870 * en: https://github.com/unicode-org/cldr-json/blob/0fd7b0b3b6e4f83e0df96ce55f87f39b91932377/cldr-json/cldr-units-full/main/en/units.json#L419-L423 *...
I like mousetrap: small, simple, no external deps and available on npm. Also, it's possible to use `mod` instead of having to bind `ctrl` and `cmd` separately.
Great to see this moving forward. Here are some general thoughts/comments in no particular order: It's unfortunate that Virtaal and OS X are using `option/alt` + `left/right` for different text-related...