fbcp-ili9341 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
fbcp-ili9341 copied to clipboard

Added ST7796S Support

Open furrysalamander opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments

furrysalamander avatar Oct 01 '20 02:10 furrysalamander

Please link this with issue #160

furrysalamander avatar Oct 01 '20 02:10 furrysalamander

As per my latest comment on the issue, this should be ready to merge now.

furrysalamander avatar Oct 01 '20 18:10 furrysalamander

Thanks! Looks great! Had a couple of notes above.

juj avatar Oct 09 '20 17:10 juj

Ops, very sorry, I had reviewed this code, but it looks like the comments had got stuck behind GitHub's "pending comments" feature. Published them now.

juj avatar Dec 08 '20 09:12 juj